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Lettre de motivation anglais

Lettre type : Lettre de motivation anglais. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mars 2020  •  Lettre type  •  561 Mots (3 Pages)  •  634 Vues

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Jack Welstead - Personal Statement

Born in Scotland, I have been raised in France since the age of five when my father came to Paris for work, subsequently setting up his own consulting business. Both of my parents are British and I have had the opportunity to be raised in a fully bilingual environment, speaking and working in French at school and speaking and being immersed in an english speaking environment at home. The French education system gave me the opportunity to study a balanced portfolio of subjects including ltalian, French literature, French history, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, and Maths. I would now like to pursue my higher education in an anglophone environment

Following my baccalaureate, I decided to take a year to properly plan my higher education and have spent the first quarter at the British Institute in Florence to perfect my Italian. I have researched my opportunities during this time and have decided that a Business management course at a UK university would provide me with a strong background to further build upon my international upbringing.

I have been exposed to different entrepreneurial businesses during my upbringing. I took my first summer job at the age of fourteen, waiting tables in the South of France. I had the opportunity to work for a seafood distributor, Desforges Agents, for a week’s internship during my baccalaureate. My role was to perform a retail competitive price analysis on frozen scallops and prawns. Since the age of sixteen, I have worked as a model for a French agency, getting the chance to do the Burberry Spring Summer catwalk in 2015, working for brands such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, GANT and OFF WHITE and being referenced in the Vogue website. I have enjoyed each of these experiences, getting to see how these businesses work behind the scenes; I even got the chance to talk to the OFF WHITE creator Virgil Abloh, who I had lunch with during a photo shoot and who explained to me how he had built his business through hard work from an initial creative idea. I now firmly believe that I should ensure that I have the tools necessary to be able to pursue an entrepreneurial career myself.

Outside of my studies, I have played basketball to a very high level, starting for a professional club in Paris, then (having taken the decision to leave home for a year to pursue a sports scholarship) winning the French national school championships (UNSS) with Mulhouse U/17s, representing the French national team in the follow-on world school championships and finally being selected to play for Scotland U/18s in the European Championships in Macedonia (2016). Sport has taught me hard work, how to play in a team and how to have confidence in my own ability. I am also interested in music, film, and theatre (I thoroughly enjoyed a weeks intensive acting course in January 2017). I am interested in a range of other sports and have travelled widely, doing an inter-rail in 2017 and visiting Guadeloupe, Benin, South Africa and America with basketball colleagues and family.

Having experienced what high level sport requires, I am now fully ready to devote to business studies the same kind of intense personal involvement. I am completely used to living away from home, have taken the time to consider my options and am highly motivated to pursue this next challenge in my life.


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