- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Lettre de motivation anglais

Fiche : Lettre de motivation anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Octobre 2015  •  Fiche  •  336 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 394 Vues

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1ere possibilité :

Dear Sir

I am a (ton age)-year-old student in the Higher Education Department of (lycée dans lequel tu étudies) in (ville).

For my diploma, I am required to have internship in a foreign-speaking company. I am following a two-year course in International Trade. A 2-month work experience period is a compulsory part of my course, and the report which I will write about my placement in your company will be part of the examination. During my training, among other activities that you will indicate, I am requested to do canvassing by mail or phone and customer follow-up.

Your company which has a good reputation, could effectively allow me to acquire my first significant experience in commercial business. Therefore, this internship would be a chance for me to become familiar with handle, a field that is of particular interest to me and that I would like to practice from the beginning of my professional career.

The knowledge I have acquired during my education as well as my great motivation and ability to adapt will allow me to quickly become part of your team for a period (durée et dates de ton stage).

I would be grateful if you could take my demand into consideration and contact me for an interview at your convenience.

Yours Faithfully

PS: Please find enclosed my CV

2eme possibilité :

Dear Sir,

I am a student in the higher education department. I am following a two/three-year course to become a sales executive. A 2-month work experience period is a compulsory part of my course, and the report which I will write about my placement in your company will be part of the examination.

For my diploma, I am required to have a work experience in a company. Your firm was recommended to me by the York Chamber of Commerce which very kindly answered my request for advice.

I would be very grateful if you would consider my application for work experience. This would enable me to gain knowledge and experience of a company and to use my English for practical purposes.

Yours Faithfully


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