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Devoir D'anglais

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Par   •  17 Mars 2015  •  609 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 220 Vues

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1. Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English.

Certainly Hélène needs to speak English very often with americans and british tourists but also when she is with groups of tourists like russians, japanese or chinese tourists, unless if they bring their owns guide with them. She needs to speak during presentations and during the tour. She have to use a proper and adapted english to be understandable by every tourists. She have to do an upstream work and search for informations about a monument in english.

2. If she knows the site, she don't have to do any research but she have to adapted her presentation according to the level of interest.

When Helene is not familiar with the site, she prepares her presentation with different ways as many as she want, in french. If it's possible to her, she needs to collect informations in english and choose the most useful to take good notes.

When she presents somewhere for the first time she can practice her english with her friends

and to suppose that she don't know technical words, helene try to find out how these words should be pronounced and she can ask teachers to getting better.

3. First, it's good to prepare a presentation like Helenes says before. Practice english with friends and teachers, collect relevant informations and take notes. You must not taught the whole presentation and reads notes, it sounds unprofessional. You have to be clear with

groups and fluent in english and you can use key words during the presentation to be understandable by the most. If the groups is composed by specialist it's not necessary to go into details. With most of groups it's important to learn key words and be concise if we don't want to be uninteresting.


1) Excuse me sir ? Are your the group from Goston College ? I'm your guide for this morning's visite. Is everyone here ? Good morning everyone !

2) « Good morning everyone my name is Hélène and i'm your guide »

3) « This morning we're going to visit the grounds and the interior of the château »

4) « If you'd like to follow me »

5) « If you look down there by the river »

6) « Just next to the wall of the château »


First Email


Je te transmets le message de la part de Claire Hugues qui cherche a remplacer un guide permanent qui est absent en ce moment. Il faudrait faire visiter, vendredi prochain dans la matinée, le château d'Azel rideau à un groupe d'anglais de 28 élèves de terminale . Ils arriveront au château à 10heures.

La moyenne d'age est de 17ans et la plupart d'entre eux viennent de commencer l'histoire.



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