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Idee De Progrès (en anglais)

Mémoires Gratuits : Idee De Progrès (en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2013  •  280 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 565 Vues

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Ideé de progré=The idea of the progress


The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress .I’ve decided to focus on scientific progress and technology .In my presentation, I will try to answer the following question: should we fear the progress or not?

1:scientific and technological advances

a)Major breakthoughs in the 20th century:

IVF:In vitro fertilization : help sterile people having children. Enables all people having good realty children.

Research on stem cells : stem cells can save life

Exemple: my sisters keepen novel written by Jordil licoult in 2004. Kate is very illparents crosted a “designer baby “ named anna . designer baby are supposed to give parts of them so lives to have their elder brother sister .

b)Development of robotics intelligent machines:

Domestic robots: Evoluting more and more. → makes things humans don't want to do . → makes thing humans don't have the time to do (ex : man versus machines) → Enables laving more to makes most things.

Human-like robots : hrp-4C it's a robot crowted to for fashion show . It's a prof of the evoluting at AI. They recognise sounds and sling.

Creation of intelligent machines : New break though: newsoscience and competence them : allow robots to what they are seeing and heaving.

They could be better than humans.

2) Should we fear progress ?

a) Progress may be diverted (détourné) from its original purpose which is to serve man .

It may become an instrument of power (brave new world) a novel weitten by aldaw harley during 20th century → society in the future thechnology it used to control people by conditioning themse during the night → can't do their mind → of speech → totalitarian society .


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