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Le mariage gay (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Le mariage gay (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Novembre 2013  •  658 Mots (3 Pages)  •  988 Vues

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Last year, in United Kingdom and France, the gay marriage became legal. The gay marriage is defined as is marriage between two persons of the same biological sex and/or gender identity . However it became legal, the gay marriage causes tension between people who are for the gay marriage and people who are against. I’ll develop in this essay, why gay marriage in my opinion is a great idea, and how it’s important for equality. In a first part, I’ll focus on the idea that everyone should have the same rights, then I’ll present that opinions and values changes over time and why it’s important that gay marriage become legal everywhere.

In many countries today, the equality between people is in the center of the laws. Much occidental culture as based on this equality. So, if two peoples from a different sex can be married, it’s also should be the same for persons who are in love each other but from the same sex. Gay people are not different as us as we can read in the declarations of the opponent of the gay marriage. Gay people are the same as we are even if they love people from the same sex, and this is why they should have the same rights that we have, and in this case they should have the rights to be married. Also, if they can be married it’s an official recognition for them and I think that’s very important for the equality of everyone. “The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same-sex couples "want the right to legally marry [and] honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer..." , that quotation explains the envy of gay couple to be recognized as heterosexual couple are recognized.

In the past, our countries were based on the religion. In France for example, the norms and values was directed by the Catholic Church. If we considered the gay marriage in the past, the opponent of it can justified by the fact that the religion are against the gay marriage so it can be possible. But this idea was in the past, today many countries are laics and they don’t depend of the Catholic Church. The norms and values are totally different that they were in the past. The impact of the religion in our societies today it’s smaller than before. Now, religion it’s in many occidentals countries a private opinion and so it can be possible to accept some laws even if a religion is opposed to this. Even this summer the Pope declared that “If someone is gay, who am I to judge him?” . The Pope didn’t declared that I was for the marriage gay, but it’s a big progression of the Church mentality and it reveals that the religion moving in the same direction that the society.

In my opinion, if some people are against the gay marriage it’s only because they are no many countries where it’s legal. In the entire world, they are only 14 countries where the gay marriage it’s legal . It’s because it’s new that we want the gay marriage became legal that it creates a lot of problems. I think that in fifty or sixty years, in the countries where it’s legal today, the gay marriage will not be any more a “problem” for the people. More they will have countries where gay marriage become legal, more the people who have a problem with gay marriage will decrease. This is why, in my opinion it’s important that the gay marriage become legal in many countries.

In conclusion, I recommend that people who are against gay marriage reflects about gay people and


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