Discours En Anglais Sur La Vie D'un Soldat Après La Guerre
Rapports de Stage : Discours En Anglais Sur La Vie D'un Soldat Après La Guerre. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 14 Octobre 2013 • 226 Mots (1 Pages) • 2 398 Vues
Life of a soldier after the war
Ira destiny will helps me to see with you how the soldiers are treated when the war is over.
IH is an american citizen but he's also a Pima indian. He was engaged in the marines unit and participates in the taking of Iwo Jima's island. Survivor, he is then used for promotions, his history is even the object of a song. He knows his hour of glory, welcomed in all the american states and at the white house like a heroe but when the war was « from the past » and when it goes away Ira was alone and forgotten, he was sent back to a poor reserve and became alcoholic, he was arrested several times by the police and finally died alone in a gap 1995 in Arizona he his buried in arlington's cemetery.
We can finally see the contrast of how the soldiers are treated just after the war because people speak about it and when they came back home, they had helps them nation and after they are treated like they hadn't done nothing. Nobody cares of them life when they came back home it's disgusting to me and it shows how the country they fight for thanks them because they must manage alone but we all knows that after the war a survivor soldier needs help .