- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

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43 519 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 32 506 - 32 520

  • Mutation de la société française

    Mutation de la société française

    Objectif du cours : Le changement social, connaitre mieux la société dans laquelle on vit. Connaitre et maitriser le changement social, structure, changement et évolution de la société. Le changement social = Toute transformation observable dans le temps, qui affecte d’une manière qui n soit pas que provisoire ou éphémère,

    10 701 Mots / 43 Pages
  • Mutation et recomposition des espaces ruraux en inde

    Mutation et recomposition des espaces ruraux en inde

    Mutations agricoles et recomposition des espaces ruraux en inde Slide PLAN Slide L’inde est un pays émergent de 1,4 milliards d’habitants, qui est aujourd’hui une grande puissance agricole en parti grâce à la révolution verte, un phénomène que nous allons voir juste après, en effet elle possède la 2eme surface

    980 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Mutation génétique

    Mutation génétique

    EXERCICE I : Q est la quantité d’ADN présente dans une cellule qui vient de naître. Ajoutez sur le graphique les légendes : interphase, mitose, anaphase, prophase, métaphase, télophase, réplication, chromosomes à 2 chromatides, chromosomes à 1 chromatide. Doc. COR COCORRECTION ________________ EXERCICE II On cherche à préciser la structure

    2 371 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Mutations de l'ADN et variabilité

    Mutations de l'ADN et variabilité

    Chapitre 3 : Mutations de l’ADN et variabilité génétique Des mécanisme de division et multiplication se retrouve liée a des processus moléculaire. Qui a partir d’allèle mette en place un polymorphisme. Quelles peuvent être les mécanisme à l’origine des mutations ? Quelles peuvent être les conséquence des mutations ? 1

    1 226 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Mutinerie de Guyaquil

    Mutinerie de Guyaquil

    Cette image est une photo prise le 13 novembre 2021 par Nicola Gabirrete à la prison de Guayaquil publié par le journal Libération. Sur cette photo on peut voir l’intervention de la police équatorienne à la prison de Guayaquil ou une rixe entre gangs rivaux a fait au moins 68

    675 Mots / 3 Pages
  • My antiheroine

    My antiheroine

    My antiheroine is Emerald Snake . She is woman but a little bit different from the others. Emerald Snake has the body of real woman, she is so beautiful with very long black hair and green eyes. She measure in 1m60 and she wear a black jumpsuit. Moreover Emerald

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • My bucket list

    My bucket list

    MY BUCKET LIST Before this moment I never thought about « my bucket list ». I think that I didn’t make one because I don’t like to plan thing before doing it, I prefer do things when they arrived and don’t organized it a long time before. So, I’m going to do

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
  • My cover letter

    My cover letter

    Le Dossier de ma banale vie Shérine Bourbon La bonté ne vient jamais de nulle-part Extrait du livre «le compte de Monte-Cristo» : «En politique,mon cher, vous le savez comme moi, il n’y a pas d’hommes,mais des idées; en politique,on ne tue pas un homme on supprime un obstacle ,voilà

    1 110 Mots / 5 Pages
  • My Erasmus experience

    My Erasmus experience

    An Important Decision in my Life Some people are afraid of foreign adventures and prefer to stay in their zone of comfort; after all, it is safer and less challenging than a journey into the unknown. In my second year of my major, I had the opportunity to be part

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • My fellow citizen

    My fellow citizen

    My fellow citizens, I just comeback from my official trip in Afhganistan. In this country, murder by the war, I saw horrible things. In Afgahnistan many childrens are amputated. If you ask me why, I answer you simply : They play in wasteland and walk on anti-personnel mines. When I

    267 Mots / 2 Pages
  • My gap year

    My gap year

    My gap year If I could have a gap year, I would like to go in Sydney. I would like to go on a tour of world. It could help me in my future studies and job. Discover culture and landscape. The Weather at Sydney enjoys a sunny climate with

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • My Harry Potter Years by Carolyn MacLean

    My Harry Potter Years by Carolyn MacLean

    BEDA william My Harry Potter Years by Carolyn MacLean 1. "When I was a child, I went to a private, girls boarding school in _."  London ☑ England  Brittan ________________ 2. "My two years in boarding school shaped me. I was the American child in the preparatory division

    504 Mots / 3 Pages
  • My ideal school

    My ideal school

    The most important motive for the work at the school, at the university, in life, is the pleasure to work and to obtain, therefore, results(profits) which will be of use to the community. Albert Einstein’s Quotation The pleasure of working must be the priority according to Albert EINSTEIN. A kid

    649 Mots / 3 Pages
  • My internship was an experience important ? THEME PROFESSIONNELLE

    My internship was an experience important ? THEME PROFESSIONNELLE

    THEME PROFESSIONNEL "My internship was an experience important?" 1. Personale présentation Hello, my name is Morgane PASCAUD in terminal commerce at the high school professional Les Carillons, I told you about my training session. My work experience took place in December two thousand ten seven, I worked in a clothing

    348 Mots / 2 Pages
  • My life

    My life

    That was a week ago, I arrived something strange and supernatural. It was amasing... It was a winter night, it was very cold. I was hearing the rain kept falling.That night I could not sleep ! It was 12pm when finally me eyelids become heavy. My dream was strange. It

    339 Mots / 2 Pages
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