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Mendicants Orders DNL

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Par   •  18 Mars 2021  •  Compte rendu  •  1 357 Mots (6 Pages)  •  414 Vues

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Introduction : Christian monasticism appeared in the 4th century. The first christian monks were fully devoted to religion and applied Christ's words. It imposed rigor and privations but guaranteed spiritual purpose, salvation, and it helped to withstand devil’s tentation. Salvation is deliverance from sins and it’s consequences so as to have access to freedom. At that time religion was the center of the population’s concern consequently,the monasticism institution imposed a powerful influence on the society of the Western Europe. They were very respected for several centuries. But in the 12 th century, the mendicant orders reformed monasticism.

Problématique: how do the mendicant orders incarn a renewal in monasticism?

Plan: first of all, we will talk to you about monasticism's history and the reason for the renewal. Then, we will present you the 4 main orders and there characteristics!

Partie 1:, raisons du renouveau.. historique of the monarchisme


In Middle Ages there were two clergies, the secular clergy, that lives in the world and the regular clergy that lives apart of the world. The regular clergy include the monasticism, it is the fact to be fully devoted to spirituel work following a religious rule in a monastery or an abbey. First I will explain the origin of the monasticism then I will explain what they do in monastery and abbaye.

I- The origin of the Christian monasticism

The origin comes from the first hermit in the fourth century who go in the desert to dedicate their lives for God. We can take the example of Simeon the Styllite who lives thirty seven years on a column. Over time, some hermits regroup in order to have a common life dedicate for God it is called the cenobitism. It is the beginning of monasticism with thousands of monasteries created in Western Europe in the fifth century.

II- the rules of holy Benoît

All the monasteries are independent and have different rules. Holy Benoît is an hermit and he is called to be the abbé, at the head of an abbey. He sets up rules involving the equal time to work, pray and rest. They have eight prayer per day, and manual labor, they cultivate the land and intellectual work with the education and manuscript. This rules are very important because in eight hundred seventeen Louis the pious impose them. We have the example of Cluny one of the biggest abbaye in Middle Ages thousands abbeys dépend of the Cluny’s rules.


Monasteries will get richer and have an important place in politics, it is going against the poverty wishes of the monks creating tensions in the monasticism, which bring us back to the second part : the reason of the renewal.

and (the reason of this renewal)

B)The renewal of monastic life

Now I’m gonna tell you the reason for this renewal…

The thirteenth century was marked by the crisis of traditional monasticism, the monastery no longer having the same attraction that during the centuries before. This situation is explained especially by the considerable enrichment of some abbeys like in the Benedictine and Cistercian abbeys. In these abbeys religious practice personal poverty, in accordance with their vow. But this individual poverty does not exclude a collective wealth because monastic communities sometimes become considerably richer. The most notable example is that of Cluny and its outbuildings, since this monastery accumulated so much material wealth that it became a real land power, financial and seigneurial.

In response, the mendicant orders that appeared in the 13th century imposed collective poverty. Several communities of mendicants were created but the main ones were those of the Dominicans and the Franciscans.

Mendicants Orders has been supported from its origin by the Pope Innocent the third.

While the monks of the ancient orders: clinician, Benedictines, Chartreux, Cistercians seek solitude, the mendicant religious settle preferably


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