Notion Lieu et formes de pouvoirs
Synthèse : Notion Lieu et formes de pouvoirs. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lola Fribort • 11 Novembre 2019 • Synthèse • 449 Mots (2 Pages) • 649 Vues
I'm going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. In politics and social sciences a power is ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of community accept rules regulation and laws. This helped created a social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute there are always counter-powers which question it aimed at limiting its excesses and resist it. In order to illustrate this notion I choose to talk about photojournalism and attempt to answer the question : What is the importance of photojournalism ?
In the first part I will explain why we need a photojournalism and in the 2nd part I will show the difficulty when you are a photojournalism.
First, the media are means of broadcasting of the information to the public. Today, we can observe several media such as television, newspapers, radio etc... and all last ones allow to inform us and keep us informed of what is happening in the world like photojournalism with there pictures. For instance in class we've seen an article about the importance of photojournalism. It's title is : Why we needs a professional photojournalism '' It deals with the need for or the usefulness of photojournalism. We do need photojournalism in order to tell people's stories. In addition the mini series '' Tales by light'' follow photojournalism around the world. For instance we' ve watched an 3pisode about children's poverty in Bangladesh. It did show the power of images.
However photojournalist was much criticized at the time. For instance when the photojournalism Kevin Carter went to Sudan to take a pictures and he took a picture of a skinny little girl and a vulture next to her. For this picture he win a pulitzer price but when the picture was published in 1993 in the NY times a lot of people asked: What happened to the starving child. A newspaper compared Kevin Carter to the vulture in the frame he just took a picture and left. After that Kevin Carter no longer support criticize so he committed a suicide and he left a letter in which he said that he was haunted by the vivid memories of the little girl and seemed feel guilty. In addition i' class we've study the evolution of photojournalism. In fact a photojournalism has know a negative evolution nonetheless recent exemples gave a better image of the field. For instance tha'ks to photography UK price minister Divid Cameron changed his policy and accepted Syrian. refugees.
So in conclusion that is why we need a photojournalism because they have a voice for people who don't have. Even if they are criticized.