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Idea of progress: To what extent India can be called a country on the march

Discours : Idea of progress: To what extent India can be called a country on the march. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mai 2017  •  Discours  •  1 572 Mots (7 Pages)  •  1 378 Vues

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Idea of progress

   I am going to talk about the notion ideo of progress. The idea of progress can be defined the improvement, the modernisation, the new technology or scientific or a social advance for restore the world. Progress implies changes and evolution in a domain. In India, we can say it's country of contrast between a traditional land and modern city.

To illustre this notion, we are going to ask ourselves what extent India can be called a country on the march ?

Firstly, we will see traditional india is an underdevelopped country and secondly india is on the march , it's a modern country.

1)traditional india is an underdevelopped country

A) Inequalities between men an women

Doc India's girls missing from The Economist in 2011 / the dowry tradition

  • the inidian society is majority male dominated
  • Families prefer to have sons because it's more attractive
  • we can see with the village of Karora, there are twice as many boys as girls
  • the reason is the dowry tradition
  • when a indian couple decided to married , the family must pay a dowry
  • so Many families decide to abort when they have a daughter

    B)Inequalities between indians citizens


  • there is a hierarchy with the caste system
  • The dalits is opprimed class
  • they are victims of discrimation and also called the untouchables
  • Imran Yusuf is a British stan up comedian of indian
  •  with her humor, he denounces the caste system, the racism and islamophobia in India
  • he says in joke that a muslim black people is more discrimated than a dalits

2)even if inequalities we will see india is on the march , it's a modern country

  • With a picture we saw the contrast of traditional India and the modernity
  • This picture presents a dual vision of India ,in the beach there are indians pray in front of the statue of ganesh and in the city there are a lot of modern buildings
  • It proves that India has become a booming and tradition disppears

Doc Ariang News like India's economy in 2015 by kim ji

  • India is on course to overtake china as the fastest growing economy in the world
  • The Rapid economic growth has attracted investors in the manufacturing sector
  • the progress economic offers works and liberties to the indians

    To conclude, India is not a homogeneous country. Indeed, there are a lot of problems between infantcide and the poverty population. But india is changing radically. The booming improve the life of indians and reduces inequalities. So the progress and modernisation influe on citizens.

Places and forms of Power in India

I am going to talk about the notion places and forms of power in India. Power can be defined the ability to exercice control and authority in a community. This power can be a democracy or a dictatorship. We use the power thanks to law, order and the economy. It's possible thanks to specific places, a court, a parliament or a country.

To illustrate this notion, we are going to ask ourselves : Are Indian citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India ?      

Firstly, we will see inequalities between men and women and secondly inequalities between indians citizens and finally we will see a emerging power..

1) Inequalities between men an women

Doc India's girls missing from The Economist in 2011 / the dowry tradition

  • the inidian society is majority male dominated
  • Families prefer to have sons because it's more attractive
  • we can see with the village of Karora, there are twice as many boys as girls
  • the reason is the dowry tradition
  • when a indian couple decided to married , the family must pay a dowry for other family
  • so Many families decide to abort when they have a daughter
  •  In a gouvernement men are largely in the majority, women have little power but the are also

   2)Inequalities between indians citizens

  • there is a hierarchy with the caste system
  • The dalits is opprimed class
  • they are victims of discrimation and also called the untouchables
  • Imran Yusuf is a British stan up comedian of indian
  •  with her humor, he denounces the caste system, the racism and islamophobia in India
  • he says in joke that a muslim black people is more discrimated than a dalits
  • The upper class is a elite of india and there are of course the control of the people but

  1. india becomes a emerging power

 India has become a booming

Doc Ariang News like India's economy in 2015 by kim ji

  • India is on course to overtake china as the fastest growing economy in the world
  • The Rapid economic growth has attracted investors in the manufacturing sector
  • the economic power offers works and more liberties for the indians

To conclude, the power and rights are for men elite , the indians are not a equal footing. Indeed, there are a lot of problems between infantcide and the poverty population. But india is changing radically. The booming improve the life of indians and reduces inequalities.


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