- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


10 929 Société dissertations gratuites 10 846 - 10 860

  • Why Are Sharks So Scary ?

    Why Are Sharks So Scary ?

    What if there were no sharks? Why are sharks so scary? Bloodthirsty beasts just waiting out there in the waves to feast on human flesh. If only we could get rid of these guys our vacation would be so much safer, nothing to worry about while we are surfing and

    662 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Why Do Brands Use Music In Ads

    Why Do Brands Use Music In Ads

    Music has always had an important place in people’s life. Indeed, iTunes Store now sells 21 million songs each day. Nowadays, we can listen to music anywhere: at home, in our cars, in stores and thanks to the radio, mobile phones, mp3 players. Sometimes we do not even realize when

    923 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Why do I want to live in kenya

    Why do I want to live in kenya

    Hello, my name is Eugenie, I am sixteen and I live in Paris. I would be glad to make my life in Kenya. Let me explain you the reasons of this decision. Firstly I will present you this beautiful country, secondly I will tell you the reasons, and last but

    550 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Why is it so important to get an education?

    Why is it so important to get an education?

    SPEECH My name is Luna and today, i will defend access to education. Why is it so important to get an education? For now, let’s think, let’s ask ourselves questions. How do you come to school? Do you have any difficulty doing that? Do you plan to go to university

    462 Mots / 2 Pages
  • WikiLeaks


    WikiLeaks est une association à but non lucratif dont le site web lanceur d'alerte publie des documents ainsi que des analyses politiques et sociales. Sa raison d'être est de donner une audience aux fuites d'informationnote 3, tout en protégeant ses sources. En novembre 2010, le site affirme : « les

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Wikipédia


    Wikipédia est un projet d'encyclopédie universelle, multilingue (287 langues mi-2013), sous licence CC-BY-SA, créée par Jimmy Wales et Larry Sanger le 15 janvier 20011 en wiki sous le nom de domaine Le wiki est hébergé sur Internet grâce aux serveurs financés par la Wikimedia Foundation, organisation à but non

    216 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Wild Wild West

    Wild Wild West

    er le capital il faudrait solliciter les associés de participer à l’une augmentation de capital il faudrait pouvoir avoir un crédit accordé. Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire. STAGIAIRE Répondre avec citation Répondre avec citation 13/10/2012, 19h18 #2 splatch splatch est déconnecté Moderateur Avatar de splatch Date

    3 276 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Winnie L'ourson, Ce Super héros Des Temps Modernes

    Winnie L'ourson, Ce Super héros Des Temps Modernes

    Winnie l'ourson (Winnie the Pooh ou Pooh Bear) est un personnage de la littérature d'enfance créé le 15 octobre 1926 par Alan Alexander Milne. Les illustrations des ouvrages sont l'œuvre d'Ernest Howard Shepard. Le personnage de Winnie, un ourson en peluche animé, a été inspiré à l'auteur par son fils

    707 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Witches


    A myth is something span trought the centuries and influence stories. Witches and wizards are people thought to possess magical powers or to command supernatural forces. They appear in the myths and folktales of many cultures. The word witch usually refers to a female, though male witches exist in some

    468 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Woman in India.

    Woman in India.

    Mariage is very important in the Indian society. This is a religious act where the woman’s chastity is a fundamental virtue. It’s sacred because it’s the union of two persons who will form a new family. But many types of marriage exist in India: - First, in the 30’s, girls

    626 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Women In The World

    Women In The World

    Progress and achievements: After WWII: - Right to vote(1918/1940 QC) - They enter public sphere but elites and clergy resist. - Emancipation 1960s But low salaries. Men had to be dependent to their husbands or sons. Suffragette: suffrage=voting → fighting for human right to vote which is a basic right!

    660 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Worksheet


    Da Silva Pinto Hugo Group a1 Worksheet 2 1- Adrenal Gland. 5- Inferior vena cava 2- Right Kidney 6-Left Kidney 3- Left renal Artery 7- Ureter 4- Descending Aorta 8- Bladder 9- Uretha Multiple Choice Questions : 10- Urine flows out of the kidneys through narrow tubes called Ureter to

    797 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Would you prefer to be a freelance worker or employed with a fixed salary ?

    Would you prefer to be a freelance worker or employed with a fixed salary ?

    1.Would you prefer to be a freelance worker or employed with a fixed salary? What are the advantages and disavantages of each situation? Freelancer: -Advantages: freedom to accept interesting work and to refuse dull work, Freelancers can determine their own schedule, they can focus on a specific type of project

    822 Mots / 4 Pages
  • WWOOF / réseau mondial de fermes biologiques.

    WWOOF / réseau mondial de fermes biologiques.

    Le World-Wilde Opportunities on Organic Farms ( WWOOF ) est un réseau mondial de fermes biologiques. Ce dernier voit le jour au Royaume-Uni en 1971, il est aujourd’hui présent dans plusieurs dizaines de pays à travers le monde. Le principe est de travailler dans des fermes biologiques en échange du

    257 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Xavier Bruckert

    Xavier Bruckert

    Xavier Bruckert, directeur de la société @plug soupçonne sa collaboratrice Sophie Germain, responsable commerciale marketing de concurrence déloyale. En l'absence de cette dernière il fait analyser son ordinateur par un huissier de justice. Ils y découvrent un répertoire nommé SG (initiales de la salariée) comportant lui même deux dossiers, l'un

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
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