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Téléphones cellulaires

Commentaire de texte : Téléphones cellulaires. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Janvier 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  317 Mots (2 Pages)  •  554 Vues

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Cell phones have become a crucial part of our daily life nowadays. Everyone – from teenagers to old men – has his own cell phone. And now it become a problem in schools.

Should cell phones be banned within schools? To answer, it's necessary to weigh up the pros and cons.

On the one hand, many teachers argue that cell phone are a distraction and should be banned.

First, I agree on the fact that students cannot pay attention to the lesson being taught if they are constantly pulling out their phones to send messages. And this distraction is also disrespectful to the teacher. Sustain interest of 30 students is difficult, but if they are concentrate on their phones, this become a real challenge.

In addition, cell phones are often used for cheating purposes, such as sharing answers to friends during a test.

On the other hand, mobile devices can help students with quick researches and provide a vital communication link.

Indeed, mobile phones permit to parents to keep contact with their children. In my case, when I leave school earlier than expected, I call my mom for she pick me up.

In addition, phones are no longer used to call and have become true pocket computers. And we know that provide schools with recent material is very expensive. So why not simply use what any student have with him? They already know how to use them. It could be used by students to research and check information by themselves or watch a video related to the lesson.

And finally, I think that if a student want to text instead of learn, it's his problem. Besides, banning mobile phones is pointless because a student will bring his device even if they are forbidden.

To conclude, I'll say that cell phones shouldn't be banned in school. Although they distract and can prompt to cheat, they could be tools who can be used to enhance teaching and learning.


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