- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Rouge Brésil

Note de Recherches : Rouge Brésil. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Septembre 2012  •  312 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 291 Vues

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This conversation takes place in the middle of California, a morning of august. A dad and his son talk about earth and making change in their attitudes and way to live for contribute at the earth’s protection.

• Good morning dad.

• Hello my son, did you have a good sleep?

• Yeah, I was so tired last night. I’m going to take my breakfast.

• But first, do you remember about what we’ve talked last night with the guests?

• Yeah, Ecology.

• I want to continue this conversation with you today, and decide what we will finally do.

• Okay.

After a delicious breakfast the dad and his son started to talk.

• So, I am a little bit confused about what you’ve proposed yesterday Louis.

• Try to think like me. I’m going to give you an image. The Earth is like a giant piggy bank that every big employer exploits with hammers.

• Yeah, I know, but don’t you have any other argument more concrete than that ?

• Think that they use up all the resources.

• OK. But the earth isn’t so sick, she is still blue. After all, I think there are nothing to worry about.

• Nothing? Are you kidding? Global warming is very worrying.

• Okay okay, but it’s not because of you and me.

• HAHA, are you living in the world of bizounours dad ? Earth is damaged because of all of us.

The world is full of drought, starve and greenhouse gas which hurt her.

• The animals can still eat fresh and green grass, give up my son.

• You’re such an idiot. And the polar bear? Did you think about them?

Every day because of us these animals are threaten and die one after the other.

• OH oh little teenager, don’t talk to me like that. I am your dad and a child must respect his parents.

So, what do you propose to do?

• Save money on with the water and electricity consumptions.

• LOL, it’s simple to say, not to do.

• Do you want example?

• YES, of course.


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