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Écriture d'invention en anglais

Commentaire de texte : Écriture d'invention en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  327 Mots (2 Pages)  •  682 Vues

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The mysterious ghost who was claiming to be named Catherine Linton disappeared as soon as a quivering Heathcliff came to my room. When I saw the way he begged the ghost to come in, it seemed to me that they have had a history together. In fact, I still remember Heathcliff calling the ghost by the name of « cathy », wich was apparently not its real name, as it presented itself as « Caherine ». I wanted to know more about that, and Heathcliff had already begun to tell me more before i even thought about asking him. « Well, huh I am not sure if that was a ghost that you saw there or not, but I just want to let you know something »said Heathcliff who looked like he was about to die of sadness. « What’s so sad? », I asked him curiously, even tough i already had an idea of what he was going to say. « It was twenty years ago, on saturday night. Cathy, my daughter, had been doing some bad things all the year long, she even tried to kill people!! I went into an argument with her and i was so upset that i told her to go away, and never come back. I think that these words let a chink in her heart, as she was really going, although i apologized for saying such bad things to her. Now i just hope that she is still alive! » A little bit stunned by this story, i replied: « My feeling is that we have to do whatever it takes to find out if she is still alive, or if the thing i saw sooner was her ghost. The less we investigate, the less we’ll have informations! No matter how it may be difficult, whatever we have to do, wherever we’ll have to go, we’ll do it! Nevertheless, inspire of our hopes, I think that your daughter had passes away, since a long time ago now…


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