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Seats And Forms Of Power

Dissertation : Seats And Forms Of Power. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2015  •  627 Mots (3 Pages)  •  982 Vues

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The notion I’m going to deal with is seats and form of power in India. The subject of my oral presentation will be India a country of contradictions.

First, I would like to briefly introduce India and its people. Secondly, I will show that india is a country many contradictions and paradoxes even today.

Finally, I also mention the existence of the Dalits in India which is a real problem.

India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world.

India is the land of paradox and contradictions: ostentatious wealth and extreme poverty, deep-rooted (profondèment enracinée) between tradition and modernity. India is like no other place. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is developing rapidly. For example, industry of high technology in recent years has taken off in India. The good example of industry of high technology is Infosys Technologies [as we show in the picture of the book] is an Indian multinational provider of business consulting, technology, engineering, and outsourcing services situated headquarters in Bangalore.

We can also say that India has one of the largest armies in the world and that it has nuclear weapons.

I can not speak of India and not to mention their own film industry.

In fact, Bollywood is the name given to the Indian film industry which is modeled on Hollywood. Bollywood films, distributed throughout India, export around the world.

However, despite the importance of large industrial groups and the development of high technology, India is a country very unequal where much of the population lives in poverty high.

On the one hand, we have India with a large number of millionaires and a middle class that is growing and open to the world, on the other hand the majority of the population remains poor. We are in the 21st century, India is "emerging power" and yet it is a country of traditions.

In India, dowry is a tradition that still exists. Indeed, the family of the girl must pay a dowry to the future husband's family for marriage. The dowry tradition explains also why the parents do not want to have daughters. In addition to reducing women to an object, this tradition is also responsible for thousands of deaths each year. In fact, according to statistics,[ data in a census in 2011 as extracted from the document in the book shows us ] in 2011, it was estimated that there were nine hundred forty (940) girls aged six and under for every thousand boys. Six hundred thousand girls go missing every year. If the bride's family cannot pay dowry, the husband's family begins to violate the woman who ends up committing suicide or being murdered.

Finally, let's take the case of Dalits or “Untouchables”. They are one hundred and seventy million (170) in India today, survive on less than two dollars a day. The untouchables are stigmatized from birth and are outcasts. "Untouchable" means by definition that you cannot touch, that is to say one who is so unworthy and so unclean that may contaminate others by sight or physical contact. (« Intouchable » désigne, par définition, celui qu’on ne peut pas toucher, c’est-à-dire


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