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Parodie En Anglais D'asterix

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Par   •  22 Février 2015  •  782 Mots (4 Pages)  •  819 Vues

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English : Parody

N : We are in 50 before Jesus Christ. All the Gaule is occupied by the Roman invader. All ?! No !

A little village populated by irreductible Gallics is still fighting against the invader thanks to something strange : a MAGIC CASSOULET !

In the village of Vannes all is peaceful, really peaceful. Inhabitants like Asterix, Obelix or Panoramix are always very happy.. But.. Let's see what's gonna happen :

( Asterix & Obelix are walking in a little street of Vannes. )

Ast : It's really calm in the village today ( He whispers )

Ob : Yes.. ( He replies ) I prefer when it's a little bit less calm, when there is some action.

( He whispers to Asterix )


Ob : What is it ?! ( He exclaims, scanning the landscape )

Ast : Oh my God ! It's a Roman attack. Let's look for Panoramix ! ( He declares )

( They run and look distraught. )

Ast : Panoramix ! Romans ! They are attacking us, we need some magic cassoulet to be stronger than them ( He stammers )

Pan : Oh, let's go to my house ! I've got a pot full of magic cassoulet. ( He exclaims )

N : Suddenly a catapult's cannonball fell down on the Panoramix's house.

Pan : Oh no.. My house is all destroyed. ( He says, gazing at the ruins of his house )

Ob : ( carrying an empty pot ) And there is no cassoulet anymore.. ( He remarks )

Ast : Damn ! ( He groans ) What do we must do ? ! ( He begs ) Panoramix, wake up ! ( He yells )

Pan : Eurh.. We need to make lots of magic cassoulet or we are lost. ( He says, scratching his head )

Ast : Ok, so.. Come to my house, I have all the ingredients that we need to do some cassoulet.

( He declares ) Hurry up ! ( He orders ) Obelix, bring the pot with you.

Pan : We follow you Asterix. ( He mumbles )

N : Arrived at the Asterix's home, Obelix puts the pot on the floor in the middle of the kitchen.

Pan : Here we go my friends ! ( He exclaims ) We haven't got any time to lose. Let's cook !

( He says loudly ) Asterix, where are the dwarves beans ? ( He asks, cutting some carots )

Ast : ( Showing a cupboard with his finger ) Here

Pan : Where are the boars' sausages ? ( He begs )

Ast : ( Showing another cupboard with his finger ) There.



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