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Lettre Commerciale Anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Lettre Commerciale Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Février 2014  •  242 Mots (1 Pages)  •  4 367 Vues

Laurence Collins & Sons

Managing Director

Household Appliances Imports

GS Clarendon Avenue

Bristol UK

AG Collins

Househld Appliances Imports

3 Avenue des Magnolia

Boulogne sur Mer


29 January 2014

For the attention of Mr … , Personnal Manager

Dear Madam or Sir,

I'm receiving for three months many complaints from discontent customers whose the devices which have been sent are spotted. I want to adress you some ideas to improve the quality of Household Appliances Imports services.

Firstly, in order to lower the number of spotted devices, we should remain to every one that all the process of handling has to be done with caution during the transfer from the freight car to the trucks in Boulogne.

Also, we have to get in touch with the agent in Folkestone before giving permission to load the damaged goods (with the possibility to inform the clients in advance).

On the other hand, It is important to reinforce the parcels’s supervision before loading ( the checking of some parcels is insufficient), in order to relieve the responsability of the firm for damaged parcels betwenn the sending place and Boulogne.

Therefore, we must to bear in mind that an increase of damaged parcels can lead to a considerable loss of regular clients for the firm, indeed they could prefer chose an other way of transportation.

I'm waiting for a report as quickly as possible.

Should you want any further details, we are at your complete disposal.

Yours faithfully

Laurence Collins & Sons

Managing Director


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