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Devoir Anglais: les Super héros

Compte Rendu : Devoir Anglais: les Super héros. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Mars 2015  •  324 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 276 Vues

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Winged Woman is the new super hero from the next novel of JK Rowling.

She comes from Ireland. She is tall and thin like a real woman. She doesn't have prominent muscles like the others superheroes. She has red hair and blue eyes.

Like the others superheroes, we can see that WW wears a costume, she is proud of her country with her one, composed of a special dress : there are the flag of Ireland, the symbols of this country ( an irish harp, a leprechaun, a beer, the cauldron with the rainbow, a horseshoe). On her head there is a crown with a shamrock. She also has a Claddagh ring a necklace with capital letters : WW, her initials. This superhero doesn't have magic wand, nor shield but she has wings. She does'nt wear a mask to hide her identity because in the world where she lives, superheroes don't need to hide. They are recognized by their nation.

She looks calm, shy, brave, helpful and when she has to defend her country she becomes violent, determined, responsible, and ready for anything.

She likes lead actions, be in touch with people, stay with his family when there isn't danger, serve her nation. She doesn't like bad people and ennemies.

WW has a civil life ( we can see that the ring which is turned toward her chest). She is married with an human since powers.With this man she has two children, two girls who can be like them mother . She might have an other job because be a superhero take her a lot of time.

This superhero can fly with her wings, run fast, read and control the thoughts of people with his magic crown. She can't fight so she doen't be invincible. She can lead a group because she is very intelligent she can make fast stratégies by reading in the thoughts of her enemies.

But WW can die like a lot of super heroes.


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