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Victor Hugo

Étude de cas : Victor Hugo. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mars 2014  •  Étude de cas  •  860 Mots (4 Pages)  •  788 Vues

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Victor Hugo


Victor Hugo was born to Besançon February 26, 1802. Son of Napoléon's general, he/it first followed his/her/its father in the luck of expeditions and countrysides, in Italy, in Spain, where he/it was page of the king Joseph and pupil to the seminary of nobles of Madrid. Toward the age of eleven years, he/it came to nearly settle then with his/her/its mother, separated to the general's time, in Paris, in the district, desolate, of the Valley-of-grace. It is there that he/it grows in a liberty of mind and absolute readings, under eyes of an extremely indulgent and carefree enough mother to the place of the education. He/it rose all only, read a lot, at random, himself éprit, since fifteen years, at a time of verse and math, getting ready in polytechnic and concerted school to the floral Games.

Crowned two times by this literary society, named by her master of floral games en1820, distinguished by the French academy in 1817, at the age of fifteen years, for a piece on Advantages of the survey, trying itself/themselves to a tragedy (Irtamène of which one finds some fragments in Literature and Philosophy scrums), he/it understood that his/her/its vocation was all literary, abandoned mathematics, and launched in 1822 Odes. He/it got a pension of 2 000 francs of Louis XVIII, maybe for his/her/its book, maybe for a feature of generosity whose King was touched; he/it got married (1822), and wondered to walk on traces of Lamartine, that were the idol of the day only.

First Successes

Newspapers (The literary Curator), novels (Bug-Jargal, Han of Iceland), theater (Amy Robsart with Ancelot, to the Odéon, fall), toward (Walks and new compilations of odes) occupy him until 1827. To this date, he/it gives Cromwell, big drama in verse (no played), with a preface that is a manifesto. In 1828 he/it writes Marion of Lorme, drama in verse, that is forbidden by censorship, in 1829 Orientals, in 1830 Hernanis, played the French Comedy, cheered by the literary youth of the time, little tasted of the public,.

The Revolution of 1830 gives the liberty to Marion of Lorme, that is played the Door Saint-Martin with a big enough success.

From then on Victor Hugo increases in creations. Compilations of verse and dramas follow each other quickly. In bookstore, it is Our-lady of Paris, novel (1831), Literature and philosophy scrums (1834), Leaves of fall, poetries (1831), Songs of the twilight, poetries (1835), interior Voices, poetries (1837), let's Scratch and Shades, poetries (1840), The Rhine, impressions of journey (1842).–To the theater, it is The King has fun, in verse (1839), represented once, then forbidden under political allusion pretext, Lucrèce Borgia, in prose (1833), Marie Tudor, in prose (1833), Angelo, in prose (1835), Ruy Blas, in verse (1838), the Burgraveses, in verse (1843).

The Politician

In 1841 he/it had been elected of the French academy, after a first failure. In 1845 he/it was named equal of France. In 1848 he/it was elected deputy of Paris to the Constituent assembly, founded the newspaper the event to prepare his/her/its candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic, and became a political character. To the Constituent,


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