- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 729 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 586 - 600

  • Butter Stick

    Butter Stick

    * Bonjour monsieur, nous avons reçu un produit extrêmement génial. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du « Butter Stick Type ». * Désolé je n’ai pas le temps. * Aller monsieur, ça ne prendra pas plus de 3minutes promis, et en plus vous n’allez pas le regretter. * Bon d’accord. Allez-y

    761 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Buy Nothing Day

    Buy Nothing Day

    1. ENVIRONNEMENT La protection de l'environnement est très importante, car la plupart des problèmes environnementaux sont causés par une consommation excessive, une pollution, un emballage excessif, des déchets ... 2. INEGALITES NORD/SUD Nous devons éliminer les inégalités sociales et promouvoir le partage équitable des richesses dans les pays en développement,

    305 Mots / 2 Pages
  • C.O, 'jobs' time in college

    C.O, 'jobs' time in college

    LARDIERE COMPREHENSION ORAL TES DYLAN 'Jobs' time in college C'est un discours d'un homme devant un publique. Il y a 17 ans l'homme est entré à l'université mais l'établissement était aussi cher que Stanford (une université en Californie), alors toutes les économies de ses parents sont partient pour payer sa

    300 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cahier des charges

    Cahier des charges

    MAISON TRÉCOBAT SAS Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trécobat logo" 3 rue du pont Lannilis 29560 NORD FINISTERE ✉ ☏ 03 81 84 59 63 • 03 81 84 59 96 Contrat n° 259863 AGENCE INFOGRAPHISME 7 rue du chêne 29570 BREST ________________ Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trécobat

    615 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cairns is Australian

    Cairns is Australian

    Cairns is an Australian city in the north-east of the state of Queensland. In Cairns there are 150 000 inhabitants. in winter the maximum temperature is 26°C and in summer the maximum temperature is 31° C. Cairns is a busthing city that attracts a lot of tourists. There are attractions

    798 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Calgary Flames (document en anglais)

    Calgary Flames (document en anglais)

    Calgary Flames The Calgary Flames are a professional ice hockey team based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They are members of the Northwest Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL). The club is the third major-professional ice hockey team to represent the city of Calgary, following the

    855 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Calligramme de Guillaume Apollinaire

    Calligramme de Guillaume Apollinaire

    Dossier : Calligramme de Guillaume Apollinaire Résultat d’images pour calligramme apollinaire 1.Un calligramme est un poème dont la disposition graphique sur la page forme un dessin, généralement en rapport avec le sujet du texte, mais il arrive que la forme apporte un sens qui s'oppose au texte. Cela permet d'allier

    1 539 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Campagne publicitaire NIKE Anglais

    Campagne publicitaire NIKE Anglais

    Nike advertising campaign An advertising campaign is a marketing action that consists in promoting a brand or a product or a service, by means of a message or a slogan, through communication media. We’re going to study an advertising campaign by the company Nike, which has been running for

    494 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Campaigning, Oral d'Anglais - Seats and Forms of Power

    Campaigning, Oral d'Anglais - Seats and Forms of Power

    CAMPAIGNING, I’M AN ACTIVIST SEATS AND FORMS OF POWER (to) talk people into having a patriotic behavior (to) draw people’s attention (to) hammer ideas into people (to) raise people’s awareness (to) encourage people to (to) remind people of their civic duties (to) entice people into (to) struggle (to) strive (to)

    2 077 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Can English remain a unifying factor?

    Can English remain a unifying factor?

    AMC NOA COLIN Can English remain a unifying factor? English is one of the world's most widely spoken languages. It's used as the global language of business and is often a common link when two people that speak different languages communicate with each other. Can English remain a unifying factor?

    302 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can every american express their voices?

    Can every american express their voices?

    LLCE ENGLISH AMC CAN EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN EXPRESS THEIR VOICES ? On November 3rd, 2020, will be held the United States Presidential Election. Donald trump has been the actual President of the United States of America since the 20th of January 2017, yet actually, he is running for a second

    841 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Can India become a great power

    Can India become a great power

    Can India become a great power? I’m going to talk about the notion which concerned the locations and forms of power in India. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the power. The power is the official capacity to exercise control and authority, and more especially in

    674 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Can people consume without buying ?

    Can people consume without buying ?

    Can People consume without buying ? In the common opinion the populations cannot consume without buying. We see that infact, the population consume too much. We call that the over-consumption which is a situation where resource use has outpaced the sustainable capacity of the ecosystem. A prolonged pattern of overconsumption

    404 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can protest songs and music be effective in changing people’s opinion?

    Can protest songs and music be effective in changing people’s opinion?

    When a movement for social changes grows, protest songs may appear. They are music of resistance used in politics and as politics and reflect the musician’s point of view on a particular subject. But since we do not listen to music just for political reasons, can protest songs and music

    300 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can twitter and social media ban private companies ; personalities or anyone in general ?

    Can twitter and social media ban private companies ; personalities or anyone in general ?

    Can twitter and social media ban private companies ; personalities or anyone in general ? On my point of view, I think they can because they put on their web site inscription some charter of terms and if we don’t respect them we should be ban of the social network

    301 Mots / 2 Pages
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