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Cours d'anglais

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Par   •  1 Avril 2020  •  Cours  •  267 Mots (2 Pages)  •  411 Vues

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Ought to[pic 1][pic 2]

Comme “have to” et “must”, l’expression“ought to” exprime une obligation, un devoir.
La différence avec les autres est qu’elle renvoie
à la morale, aux conventions sociales, à ce qu’il conviendrait de faire. Elle est également un peu plus soutenue que « must » et « have to ».

Emploi  :ought to + base verbale

Ex: “I consider they ought to come to me”

Négation : ought NOT to + base verbale
Ex: “I consider they ought not to come to me”

Exercise: Create sentences using the following elements and “ought to”

Ex: The British / to feel less superior

  • The British ought to feel less superior.

  1. People / to respect other people

🡪people ought to respect other people                                                        

  1. Mary / to follow the rules.

🡪Mary ought to follow the rules        

  1. People / to be more understanding

🡪people ought to be more understanding

Exercise: Create sentences using the following elements and the negation of “ought to”

Ex: Sarah / to be reckless / not

  • Sarah ought not to be reckless

  1. Pierre / to be mean / not

🡪Pierre ought not to be mean

  1. People / to be selfish / not

🡪People ought not to be selfish

  1. People / go out too often / not

🡪People ought not to go out too often


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