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Lettre de motivation Stage BTS CI CNED

Lettre type : Lettre de motivation Stage BTS CI CNED. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2018  •  Lettre type  •  402 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 357 Vues

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Niquet Elodie

Renace Yagihashi 101#

Ninomiya 1-25-13

Tsukuba 305-0051

Mobile: 08044678968



Nakameguro GT Tower  13F,          

2-1-1 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku        

 Tokyo   153-0051                              

To M. Luis FARIA MAIA                

President & Representative Director

Tsukuba, January 15th 2018,

Subject: Internship Request

Dear Mr Luis FARIA MAIA,

          I am a student in a two years course in International Trade at the french National Center for Distance Education (CNED). During my training, I am required to do a minimum eight-week work internship in client prospection in a foreign company. This work experience placement can be between 1st of April and 31th of August 2018.

          I am really motivated to work in a company like yours. This will allow me to develop my experience in canvassing but also to prove that I can bring dynamism in a team. So that's why I am contacting your firm whose sector correspond to my expectations. I would be honored to improve my knowledge by integrating your team as an intern.

          In return, I would learn from this internship and improve my English skills which will give me better abilities in a future career. I will be present and conscientious with the tasks that you will entrust me with. In this work experience placement, I am looking for the possibility to acquire a lot of knowledge and also learn to work in the professional world.

          I visited your website and I am convinced that your company would be perfect for this internship. I an very interested in working in your company as an intern and I would gladly receive any advice comment and offer you may have.

          I look forward to you reply.




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