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Qu'est-ce Que Le 100% En Grappling ?

Note de Recherches : Qu'est-ce Que Le 100% En Grappling ?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Janvier 2012  •  511 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 300 Vues

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It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.It's a transition from Sprawl to back mount where when you transition you end up trapping the opponents arm between their side and your leg. It's called the 100 percent cause 1. It works almost 100% of the time and 2. You can sink in a RNC almost 100% of the time.


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