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Qu'est ce que le progrès ? (synthèse en anglais)

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Par   •  20 Mai 2014  •  391 Mots (2 Pages)  •  739 Vues

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The Notion of Progress

What is progress? It is the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life.....

What effect does this progress have on our society? Does it have a positive or a negative effect? There are two main aspects of progress: technological and scientifical progress and a social progress.

I think I can speak of progress without saying a word about the new technologies.

The news technologiest which has revolutionalised our everyday lives as dolly the cheep. We are confronted with these changes on a daily basis! We have advances in communication wich have changed our lifes. I think it is safe to say that in the last 50 years we have significantly reduced the time spent doing chores thanks to labour-saving devices such as vacuum cleaners and washing machines. Indeed we have much more time available for professional and leisure activities. In addition, we have made tremendous scientific progress to treat diseases more or less threatening and thus to improve our lifestyle.

Then, there is a social progress wich changes in the quality of life.Indeed, education, employment, there has been a breakthrough. Despite the fact that companies are still unequal there is an improvement of women's rights. I chose the concept illuster by progress with the bus boycott by Rosa Parks in december 1955. With its commitment she brought revolution in the black population and the place to reconsideraiton of black people. Besides, we worked on an iconographic document entitled'' New Kids in the Neigborhood'' in 1967. it represents two black children who have settled in an area and are faced with two white children. By analyzing we find that the lines pavers sifnifien perhaps the boundary between black and white. In addition there is a difference between the white dog and black cat. it represents American society during the segregation of blacks. Now We Have aussi'' The Symptom We All Live''. These documents are evidence that illustrate the history of social rights. They are there to remind us of the history of blacks.

Times change, we know, but the speed at which technology has progressed in a very short period of time is pretty scary! Our lives have been totally transformed at all levels. There were several actors to improve our lives and the lives of people sidelined civilization.

Ccl;: paralympics heors


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