Qu'est-ce Que Le Buy Nothing Day ?
Note de Recherches : Qu'est-ce Que Le Buy Nothing Day ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ablablaaa • 5 Avril 2015 • 266 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 706 Vues
What is a buy nothing day ?
It’s a day where people are challenged to cut off their spending and shopping in order to spend more time with family and to have a better impact on environment.
What other special day does it remind you ?
This day reminds me of the black Friday. However these are two different days.
Indeed, the buy nothing day challenges us to spend less when black Friday is a day where people are induced to spend a lot of money on toys mainly.
Reasons why this day is organised :
- make people realise that they should consume less,
- recycle more
- aim to denounce companies
What are the differences between local shops and big supermakets ?
Local shops are not targets of this event because they only offer food to their customers. The differences between local shops and supermarkets are that supermarkets are a lot more bigger than local shops and offers a larger service. Supermarkets also use labels and advertising.
Why is shopping harmful to the environment ?
It means that shopping causes an impact on earth’s natural ressources. 20% of the population uses 80% of natural ressources which means that developed countries are causing an environmental damage.
List of the different catchphrases
- « shop less live more » : which means that if we tend to consume less in the futur, the environment won’t be as much damaged as it could be and will allow us to live longer and in better conditions.
- « To buy, or not to buy, that is the question » : this reference to Shakespeare’s famouse verse in Hamlet, letting us wondering about the real concequences of consumption.