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Letter about UK environment

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Par   •  3 Mai 2018  •  Lettre type  •  1 181 Mots (5 Pages)  •  513 Vues

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                                                                                                                                    MAES Justine,

                                                                                                                144 Hilton Lane, Prestwich,


                                                                                                                                            M25 9QY,

                                                                                                                                  United Kingdom.

                                                                                     Thursday 1st February 2018

Object : Renewable energy recommandations.

The Rt Hon Claire Perry MP,

Minister Of State for Energy and Clean Growth,

Renelec House,

46 New Park Street, Devizes,


SN10 1DT

                  Dear Madame Claire Perry,


 My name is Justine Maes, and I am a student of sixteen years old. I am writing you this letter, madame, because I am truly interested in the futur of the environment in the United Kingdom, our nation, we must assure a great futur also for the earth and our county. That’s why I would share with you my solutions in purpose to help our country become less dependant on non-renewable energy, because we are approaching the date where there is no more, and propose some ways to make it have energy security based on renewable energy.

 In the United Kingdom more than 20% of the energy produced used renewables energies, we must make this statistic increase in the futur and for the benefit of our country. Believe me, we need to turn to renewables energies to assure a infinite source of energies for the time yet to come without destroying the earth. Many processes could be use such as : wind power, sun power, hydraulic power, biomass, and geothermal power, we must privilege these sources that can be use infinitly for the futur genrations, and help the planet get rid of pollution.

 When it comes to our futur as a nation it’s very important that we consider recycling as another solution to renewable energy struggle. It will help our nation to reduce the waste of energy. Like the business « Veolia »  wich have undertaken the case of waste management and recycling in the United Kingdom and Irland. More than the 3/4 of their earnings are coming from recycling. It would be really interesting for the renewables energies development of our country, to have recourse to that kind of business.


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