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Oral Anglais India Idea of Progess

Dissertation : Oral Anglais India Idea of Progess. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  395 Mots (2 Pages)  •  627 Vues

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To what extent is India a developing country?


I- Tradition, an obstacle to development

Caste system

Inequalities men/women

Child labour

II- India, a land of progress

Changing of minds

A culture that exports

•So let’s begin with: Tradition, an obstacle to development

► First of all, we can’t talk about the traditionals problems of India without talking about the caste system. In fact; India is divided into 5 castes that represent your level into the social life. Peoples can’t change of caste or marry with an other caste’s people. Upper castes got privileges; on the contrary, lower caste are victims of repression.

► Besides; India is a land of segregation between male and female. In effect, parents abort easily their daughters than their sons, because the want to preserve a male heir, and girl are more expensive (dowry). The ratio girl/boy is unbalanced. In 2001, it was 927 womens for 1000 mens, it create a lot of men bachelors.

► Similarly, childrens must work to earn money to survive and help their parent’s. Work condition are rough, these jobs can be very physical for childrens who don’t get the same strength as an adult. They are 60M

• This bring to an other aspect of the question, India is also a land of progress.

► Minds are changing, favorised students create movement to stop the child labour. State create laws to restrict the child labour under 14 and to prohibit the doctors to revel the sex of the foetus. Sikhism, an Indian religion, is opposed to the caste system, but it’s hard to make things change, because tradition is very old and rooted into Indian’s life. Gandhi can be a symbols of this changing in India, he was the leader of India non-violent. He past his life to create civil rights and liberate India in 1947.

•The Indian’s culture was exported.

► One of the most revealing example is yoga, which is popular all around the world. The Taj Mahal is also known in the entire world. At the beginning, it was created as a mausoleum for the wife of the emperor Shah Jahan. Today, the Taj Mahal welcome from 2 to 4 M of visitors each years. To continue, Hinduism is the third religion in the world with 1.2 G of followers. To finish, Bollywood is less known than Hollywood but it is bigger in therm of production. Indian’s movies seems weirds for Occidental peoples.


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