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Type de lettre capsule temporelle

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Par   •  11 Janvier 2023  •  Lettre type  •  574 Mots (3 Pages)  •  269 Vues

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Dear friend,                                                                            Sunday 30 january 2022

Hello from the past! If you are reading this letter, you know that it was inclued in a time capsule that was burried under a tree in the peacefull village of Huismes. It also means that I’m probably dead but let’s not dwell on this detail because I would have lived a good life surely filled ! It is suppose to be opened in exactly 83 years in 2105, when it would be my 100th anniversary (one century !). But right now, I’m very much alive and I’m a 17 years old girl named Lou-Anne Butet-Menuey.

My day-to-day life isn’t amazing but pretty cool! I get up every weekday and ride the bus to school. Next year, I hope to get my driver’s license so that I can drive to school with my friends. I enjoy go to school because I love learn news things. In our today’s world, there are a lot of news things than the 2000’s. Now, we all have a cellphone with social networks. In the future, I hope that all the kids left their phones and go playing with theirs friends because in 2022, I see all the youngers with a phone… They have only 6 years !!!

My friends and I love all styles of music and more precisely the old songs of the 80s. I think one of those that go through most often during our evenings is Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) written by Eurythmics. My favorite TV shows this years (and I think forever) is Prison Break. With my best friends, we spend a lot of time in front of the computer to watch funny cat video’s. It's amazing how many stupidities you can find on the internet !

In our today’s world we (womans) have more and more rights and LGBT’s people are no longer discriminated against and are accepted by society ! With the covid 19, all the world have past 2 years confined. Personally, I love this period even though I felt a little lonely but I really miss my friends. It was two years particullary exhausting. Now we are only beginning to get out of it and it’s very weird the way in which people's mentality has really changed and what bothers me more is to see a film where the actors go shopping without the mask… It’s very strange but a little funny to have thoughts like that.

In 83 years, I hope that the environnement is cleaner and people more eco-responsible and have takes more action against all current problems in the world. I hope that the world is a better place to live… I really hope there isn’t any plastic in all the ocean and none more people who lives in a country at war with famine and where children are orphaned and forced to grow up faster than expected.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my letter, wich was fun to write to you. Have a wonderful future !


Lou-Anne Butet-Menuey


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