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Anglais CNED devoir 1 2ème année

Fiche : Anglais CNED devoir 1 2ème année. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mai 2017  •  Fiche  •  775 Mots (4 Pages)  •  882 Vues

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Evaluation 1

Entraînement à l’épreuve.

Expression écrite en français

L’économie dite « John Lewis ». John Lewis est un magasin haut de gamme qui a la particularité d’être détenu par ses 76 500 travailleurs, un contrat indépendant détient toutes les actions et attribue un bonus annuel au personnel.

        Cette idée de partenariat vient du fils du fondateur du magasin, John Spedan Lewis, en 1928 pour éviter le sentiment communiste.

        L’idée d’un capitalisme plus « câlin » est apparu dans l’Amérique des années 1920. Des plan d’option d’achat d’action à effet fiscal ont vu le jour en Grande-Bretagne en 1980, actuellement 12 500 entreprises en possèdent un.

        Donner des parts à des travailleurs a des avantages commerciaux, entreprises plus productives et résistante en période de récession. Cependant les avantages personnels sont discutables puisque les employés peuvent tout perdre si l’entreprise fait faillite.

        Pourtant les entreprises en partenariat font face aux obstacles de croissance mais beaucoup ont besoin d’un capital flexible.

        Le graphique montre que de 2007 à 2012, les entreprises en partenariat ont plus de valeur sur le marché pour chaque livre sterling partagé que les entreprises « traditionnelles »

                                                                                Environ 178 mots

Entrainement à l’épreuve

Expression écrite en anglais.


To motivate their staff, firms can make their employees feel special. They can make them know they trust them, that they depend on them. If the employees feel they are important and trusted by their bosses, they will be motivated and do to the job.

Firms can also show their staff they are concerned about them, they can encourage them to take vacation time, to balance their professional life and personal life.

Firms can also make sure their employees’ environment at work is clean and enjoyable as much as possible, it is easier to be motivated in a clean and enjoyable space, it will bring positivity.

They can also motivate their staff with a meeting every week just to congratulate and encourage them more; even if financial incentives are clearly important, being present for their employees and make them realise that what they do is important can make a huge impact on them and on their motivation at work.


Working in a small or medium-sized firm can be more intimate with your co-workers or your bosses, it is possible to have a “family feeling”, everyone knows each other, than in a big company it is more difficult to know everyone individually, the family bond seems impossible in a big firm.

Working in a small or medium-sized imply to sometimes be able to perform a variety of duties. Because of the firm’s size, employees are often asked to be versatile so they learn new skills to help the company, which is not possible in a big firm because they already have employees who are specialised for the job.


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