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Anglais Cned Devoir 4: compétence linguistique

Dissertations Gratuits : Anglais Cned Devoir 4: compétence linguistique. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Avril 2015  •  847 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 258 Vues

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1. Compétence linguistique

1) -Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in France in 1941?

- He has been reading that book for hours and didn’t seem to want to stop.

-How long did you stare blankly on that page? I’ve never seen anyone so slow!

-I just saw his mother, she hasn’t taken her decision yet.

-I met her family a week ago. I came across them by chance in the park.

2) 1. They were good children whose only distraction was playing in the woods and on the beaches.

2. He said he had always lived here which was true.

3. He now works in a nearby town where the mayor is an old friend of mine.

4. Every afternoon he walks on the beaches where he loves it so much.

5. That girl was my childhood sweetheart whom I am talking about.

3) 1. The soldier who came to arrest them was very young.

2. They weren’t the only foreigners who were imprisoned.

3. It was the only town which they knew of.

4. I regularly received these letters which I would have been really depressed without them.

5. The boy with whom I shared my childhood games became a journalist.

2. Compréhension de texte

a) General comprehension

1. Its Patrick Overton’s (the author) memoir.

2. - rainure: groove

- Affluer: rushed

- Submerger: overwhelming

- Péché: sin

- guérison: healing

b) First paragraph

3. The narrator’s first action was to put his hands on the wall. (Line 1) ‘‘Then I began to move my hands over the wall.’’

4. The narrator was looking for his own name on the wall. (Line 6-8). ‘‘I was looking for one name, I was looking for the one groove my hands would know the best.’’

(Line 11) ‘‘Mine’’

5. The narrator felt impatient and feared ‘‘his’’ truth. (Line 3) ‘‘Slow at first, and then faster, almost frantically.’’(Line 10) ‘‘To be true but was afraid to admit,’’

c) Second paragraph

6. The wall made him realize that he felt guilty for the deaths of his comrades. He felt guilty because he hadn’t died along them. (Line 18-20) ‘‘Forcing me to face what I could not accept, the source of my guilt, my one great sin-I had lived. I had survived, I came back.’’

d) Third paragraph

7. The narrator’s experience was deep and moving. He’s blaming himself for not being on the wall with his fellow comrades. (Line 22-26) ‘‘I ascended from that deep, dark hole a different person. Tired, emotionally exhausted, I stood there looking


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