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Oral D'anglais

Documents Gratuits : Oral D'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2013  •  266 Mots (2 Pages)  •  970 Vues

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All began in 1919 with the africa traingular trade. blacks came from with labor, songs gospel songs. they were always working because they were slaves but they were also an religious community. they began to sing about them slaves when they song 60 down moses and let my people go. with nobody knows the trouble i've seen, it was the birth of the blues. after civil war 1861-1865 they create the jazz. and after 1917, the urban blues was born because of the problems is glaetton. blues is to have the blues, to feel depressed "the blues is an expression of angry against shame and humiliation" bb.king. next, there was the rock n'roll in the 1960's black musicians who resested being exploited by white musicians who owned companis decided to create their own label. a great story intilled southern trees song by billi seems to be the best recap to their situation she was one of the influantial jazz sing. the sors and this document about the henging of black american to the trees black music is hip hop with beyonce, J zay etc. they all are rich and famous african america are free, they have all rights. in conclusion, music is the best way to explain something, a feeling, a worring, a happiness. everybody is equal. in my opinion, segregation is a stupid, why person should be a slave ? whe are all the same. when i see obama i'm proud because he is the symbol of the achievement. he is on the top of america. he is the first black president of Ame


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