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Le séjour de l'équipe olympique canadienne au Sofitel London (document en anglais)

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Par   •  28 Janvier 2013  •  757 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 662 Vues

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Date: July 15st, 2012

To: All internal staff members of Sofitel London

From: John Smith (General Manager)

Subject: The stay of the Canadian Olympic Team in Sofitel London

General Information

As you may know, we will welcome the Canadian Olympic team in a few weeks for the London Olympics. (27 July – 12 August 2012). The hotel will be used exclusively by the Canadians athletes/coaches/managers during this period. This memorandum pertains to the importance of this event, especially the importance you will accord to the Canadian team.

In order to keep the guests comfortable in regards with security, diet, meeting space, transport, equipment storage, training, avoiding with the press, I trust that all the employees will aid our guests in any way they can to ensure their stay relaxed during this important competition. As they will be the unique occupants of the hotel, they are considered as VIP’s, so please consider all their specific demands as a priority.

Our Policy

As per our policy which guarantees our customer’s holidays, all guests being part of the Canadian Olympic Team will be considered as VIP’s. Staff working in front office will be involved with the internal team put in place to deal with this situation efficiently to organize the next available flight for stranded guests. According to our reservations and current occupancy rates, there should be enough rooms to accommodate guests with canceled flights to Europe and expected guests from countries unaffected by the volcanic ash cloud. However, there remains the option for guests to change to a hotel in the nearby area with transportation included should they so desire. Specifically, guests with an accommodation only package may desire to relocate to another hotel for financial reasons.

Where to find information

There will be daily newsletters placed in the staff cafeteria at 6am with updated information on the status of the volcanic ash cloud, affected air traffic and what our hotel is doing in response. Please read these to remain informed; for example there will be a new concierge next to reception to handle any inquiries about the current situation. Furthermore, an internal letter to guests has been placed in their rooms, copies can also be found in the staff cafeteria. Refer to this letter to direct specific guests’ queries to the respective personnel.


As you can imagine, guests unable to fly back home will be agitated and therefore I ask for your support by being extra helpful and sensitive to their situation. This consequently involves our staff staying informed, reassuring and dealing with each incident efficiently and remaining at their disposal. Should there be any questions you cannot answer, take them to the respective knowledgeable staff member and explain their question to that staff member so they do not have to repeat themselves. Then, either stay with them until their question is answered or be sure to follow-up on their answer personally to maintain our high service standards. Furthermore, inform families with children that


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