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Discours : LA MORT DES ETUDIANTS. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Octobre 2016  •  Discours  •  570 Mots (3 Pages)  •  570 Vues

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By: Desmond Affukaah

“The goal of all life is death.” – Sigmund Freud


I have noticed the death trend in UEW and tagged it utterly mind-boggling. Yes, death is inevitable. Nonetheless, the circumstances surrounding certain deaths are worth questioning. Ernest Hemmingway was right when he said, quote, ‘every man’s life ends the same way. It’s the details of their lives and deaths that differentiate one man from another,’ unquote. It’s the details of the deaths of these precious students that have inspired me to pen this piece for your perusal.

If we ignore the fact that the Apocalypse is in the offing and that inexplicable things are bound to happen prior to its onset, these disappearances are out of the ordinary and it behooves us to seek some explanations and probably a lasting cure. Death, in the words of George Herbert, is “an uncouth and hideous thing”. A bunch of students go out to have some fun to, as they always say, “release stress”, and return to sadly proclaim the premature death of a colleague with whom they lived, laughed and lied. A friend complains of a mild nocturnal headache and is found bafflingly lifeless the next day. A friend, who we knew to be full of the sap of life the night before, mysteriously departs this life and his cold body is found motionless in the morning. Surely there are known reasons for these deaths and it’s incumbent on us to find them, and, however hard they may seem, attack them. [pic 1]

Since strolling to the beach remains the new rock ‘n’ roll, an overwhelming number of students, at the weekend, sometimes in pairs, converge there either to admire the rise and fall of waves crashing against the shore or pose as professional divers and swim swift under the waves of the sea, an activity very typical of experienced fishes. One of the recent deaths which astounded me happened as a result of the latter. The cadaver of the victim was washed ashore later.  Life is like an egg. When carefully held, one can live as long as possible. If held otherwise, one is guaranteed of his untimely demise. Business before pleasure. Always remember that you cannot blame someone for the death you caused yourself.

As long as blood flows through our veins, we should take certain things seriously. What you regard as inconsequential can play a causative role in an impending catastrophe. Mind what you say, what you do, what you eat, the people you call friends, your actions when angry and, when you are beside yourself with joy, watch how you jubilate.

“Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation of how it shall be spent.” All credit to Samuel Johnson for this excerpt. It is indeed true life is short. An Akan proverb says green leaves fall just as dry (brown) leaves do. The death of a friend comes as a shock to us all. Friends, family and sympathizers will sorrow over the death of their beloved and express their final love and care in the form of tears. Death, thou art mean.

Dear reader, this is a reminder. Your life on earth has an end. I have put these words together for the common good. There is no immortality on an earth full of uncertainties.  Beware – dark days are ahead.


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