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L'aborigène est un terme utilisé pour décrire les habitants originaires d'Australie (document en anglais).

Analyse sectorielle : L'aborigène est un terme utilisé pour décrire les habitants originaires d'Australie (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Février 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  319 Mots (2 Pages)  •  594 Vues

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The aboriginal term is used to describe the original inhabitants of Australia.

Officially, according to the Australian government, the term Aboriginal means a person who:

has Aboriginal ancestors;

is identified as Aboriginal;

is recognized by its Aboriginal community.

And the three criteria must be met to be Aboriginal.The land is absolutely crucial for aboriginal peoples, it is the central to their material and spiritual life. Most Aborigines were established along the coast and lived with the farming, fishing

Aborigines practiced a slash and burn technique basement to encourage the growth of plants favorite to the animals they hunted. They had very advanced techniques to find water.

4. À quels problèmes sont-ils confrontés ?


Since the British invasion of Australia, the Aborigines have suffered the destruction of their land. Until 1992, the British and Australian law regarding land was based on the principle of 'terra nullius', that is to say that the country was considered empty before the British arrived, and therefore belonging anyone, he could legitimately be conquered.


Less than a century after the first invasion of Australia, the Aboriginal population, then estimated at about one million, were sixty miles.

It consisted of removing Aboriginal children from their parents and placed in white families or institutions in order to delete all traces of Aboriginal culture and language.


Today, Aborigines still face racism and violence. and many of them living in deplorable physical conditions.

A direct consequence of this, their rates of infant mortality and suicide are much higher than the rest of the population, while their life expectancy is much lower.

5. Campagne Survival = Jeoffrey

In 1992, a judgment, known as Mabo Who was aboriginal, challenged the racist principle of 'terra nullius. The decision acknowledged for the first time the existence of rights to the a aborigine in the Australian land. Many indigenous have used this decision to obtain recognition of their rights to their ancestral territory. Others, however, have not succeeded in overcoming the many legal obstacles .


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