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Your narrative voice

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Your narrative voice. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mars 2019  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  683 Mots (3 Pages)  •  547 Vues

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The Beginning

At the same time, Kate was lost in her thoughts, his teacher Mr. Jack shouted at her "Kate, don't hang around behind". Immediately, she accelerated despite the burning sun in the sky that tired her. At the same time, Mr. Jack's old bulldog walked beside her with more endurance than his age should have allowed him. It barked like an encouragement, but Kate didn't pay any attention to it. Currently, his parents in Baltimore were occupying his mind. Finally, the 1500 escaped people arrived near Philadelphia. At first, this desolate land, falling into ruins, stunned all the survivors. Bodies were littering the ground, dead people who had devoured each other had created a huge red puddle and there was nothing left to survive on. Kate soon felt devastated, but she didn't have time to think about it because a black van with men in black suits came out of nowhere and kidnapped her.

She didn't know what had happened previously. During the journey, she heard two men arguing in the front of the van and tried to listen to their conversation. She listened, but their argument was childish, and she could not discern any clues about her kidnapping or even what was happening on Earth. While she was trying to find a comfortable position in this narrow vehicle, it suddenly turned to the right, propelling her directly to the opposite wall. Then the vehicle stopped, and she really started to panic. She wondered what had become of the rest of the group and especially what would become of her. She thought more calmly and made an important decision right then. The two men opened the doors and at the same time, tied only to her hands, she ran as fast as she could. She strictly did not know where she was going, but she knew currently very well that it was better to run away. She had already covered a hundred meters and had just spotted a house where she could hide. But despite her reputation as a sporty girl, they only need a few seconds to finally catch her.

Without a word they led her to a kind of barn and just before returning home they shouted joyfully: "It's okay we found her". It was there that she first recognized the face of her mother and second of her father. While she was thinking that she was the happiest person in the world, she threw herself at them to kiss them. Later, his parents explained to him for several hours the crisis in which the planet was found and introduced the men who had kidnapped him. "We're really sorry for the way we treated you, but you understand we had to do it because of the current situation," apologized the smallest, bald man. Kate didn't blame them at all, on the contrary, and made her understand by giving her a broad smile and simply saying "thank you".


Now that she had found her parents, she knew she had to help those who had escaped from the airport. Kate felt lost. She lay on the bed and thought about the amount of information her parents had given her. She knew she was near Philadelphia and that her parents were leading a kind of rebel raid. And the state of the world today, she didn't even want to think about it. She got up and joined her parents. "Mommy, please, I need your help," said Sarah, she hugged him to soften him up. "What do you mean?" she replied suspiciously, "I can't bring myself to leave those who were with me." His mother smiled at her and calmly explained that they could not be brought here for obvious reasons but that they had already been taken care of and taken to a shelter further south and that a certain Mr Jack would have made a scandal to know what could have happened to you. After the announcement of this happy news she knew that there was only one thing left for her to do; help her parents defeat Fennec Dorson, the dictator of this world.


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