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West Side Story

Mémoire : West Side Story. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Septembre 2014  •  1 520 Mots (7 Pages)  •  910 Vues

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1) The movie « West Side Story » is a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliette of William Shakespeare. In one thousand and nine hundred and fifty, in New York the two families are replaced by the gangs. Montaigues become the Jets of American origin,and the capulets become the sharks of Porto Rican origin. They are two gans rival, of streets which make the law in the West district. Maria, the sister of Bernardo, chief of the Sharks, has just arrived of Portorico. Anita, the friend of Bernardo,tells him to be held away from the Jets. But at the time of a ball, Tony the former chief of the Jets and Maria see him self throught the room and fall in love to the first glance. With the opposition on the two sides, they are seen secretly and their love grows. However, the gangs decide to make a last combat which will finish badly.

The main actors of this film are “Maria” played by Natalie Wood, the former chief of the Jets « Tony » played by Richard Richard Beymer, the chief of the sharks“Rif” played by Russ Tamblyn, the friend of Bernardo « Anita » played by Rita Moreno, the chief of the sharks “Bernardo” played by George Chakiris, the lieutenant of police “Schrank” played by Simon Oakland, “Doc.” played by Ned Glass,and the sergeant “Krupke” played by William Bramley.

2) The origin of « West Side Story » goes back to thousand and nine hundred and forty-seven . The first idea is to transpose the competition of Montaigues and Capulets in Greenwich Village, the two cursed lovers being respectively jewish and catholicltatian. The provisional title is « East Side Story ». A first jet is written, then put side. The project is taken again in one thousand and nine hundred fifty-five, at that time, Manhattan sees its Porto Rican population increasing. It is thus naturally that the part is put in this context and rename it « West Side Story ».

I think that the title which has was selected is a good title, because the film is held in the west district from Manhattan. And the title signific“history on the side of the west”.

3)The film is dramatic, it is inspired by the tragedy. Yes, I think of having seen a film in the same genre like “The Great Gatsby”.

4) « West Side Story » tells the story of the Jets, an american band of streets typically, which is opposed to Sharks, a group of young Porto-Ricans. The chief of the Jets, Riff, swears to remove the streets from the presence of Sharks,which is directed by Bernardo. Riff decides to defy Bernardo during a ball. He asks to Tony his friend,to help it. The sister of Bernardo, Maria, has just arrived from Puerto Rico to marry her friend Chino, who assists marry her friend Chino, in Ball. In spite of hatred between the two groups, Maria and Tony meet, and they fall in love. After the ball, an argument between Bernardo and his girlfriend Anita with place. While the bands start to gather with the Drugstore, Tony visits Maria to his apartment, and they are promised to be found the following afternoon with the shop for married. With the drugstore, the Jets are irritated. When Sharks arrive, they decide units that the combat,would be with naked hands, between the two best combattants of each group. The following day, Tony visits Maria in his shop and, they play ceremony of marriage. Maria asks him to make stop the combat between her group and that of her brother. In a desert surface under the motorway, the groups are found to fight. At the moment when the combat start, Tony arrives and begs them to stop. Bernardo, pushes back it. Suddenly knives appear and Riff and Bernardo start to fight. Riff is stabbed and Tony seizing his weapon, stabs in his turn Bernardo. Panicked, the two groups fight units, until they are to stop by the police car, they flee all. In her room, happy Maria, does not know what arrived and prepares to find Tony. Chino enters its room and tells him that her brother was killed by his in love. It takes a gun and leaves in search of Tony. But during this time Tony, went to find Maria who suffers from the death of her brother, and who is unable to push back it. Tightening one against the other, they consider


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