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The murderer's search

Dissertation : The murderer's search. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Février 2019  •  Dissertation  •  986 Mots (4 Pages)  •  569 Vues

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The murderer's search

The crime took place in an apartment, as can be seen from the outside. A woman lies on the (dead) floor and beside her there are bloody scissors. The victim's name is Automn Malesta and at his feet there is a spilled glass. The room is rather small, you can see the second glass on a bedside table and next to it there is a pot with a plant inside. At the back of the room, there are 6 paintings depicting a portrait of a woman. For this crime, a lieutenant with a doctor will arrive. Police have identified 4 suspects, the first one is Mark Priest, the second Tony Malesta, the third Lana Woodsworth and the fourth Paula Goodboy.

The lieutenant and the doctor met in front of the victim's door.
"Hello, Lieutenant," said the doctor with a serious face.
"Hello" replied the lieutenant, the two people enter the room.
"From what I see, we'll have to clean the carpet," said the lieutenant smiling to cheer up his companion.
"Very funny, let's get to work," said the doctor with a serious look.
"Hmm, with all these murders, you have to joke a little bit," he says thoughtfully.
"So what have we got this time?" asked the doctor, anxious to start by ignoring his friend's sentence. The doctor walks up and discovers a young woman lying on the ground who has been stabbed with scissors.
"As you can see, we're dealing with a murder," said the lieutenant as he observed the victim.
"I think it's an aperitif that ended badly, a couple affair," says the doctor who continued to analyze the room. The lieutenant walks forward, puts on gloves, observes the two glasses and then says:
"I agree with you that it ended badly, but I don't think it's a couple thing, the glass that's spilled must be the victim's and the murderer's, and there's lipstick on it."
"Hmm... I'm going to see the victim's wound," said the doctor, walking at the same time towards the wound. He studied it for a moment, looked at the scissors and then said:
"The murder weapon are the scissors and the murderer used his left hand and there's a black hair strand on it"
"interested," replied the lieutenant. He noted in his head that Automn's sister is a hairdresser but for the moment he did not share his thoughts with the doctor. He heard a voice speak:
"Hello?........ Ah that's good, so I was saying that under Automn's nails there's group B negative blood, it must be the murderer's because the victim's is group A positive blood," said the doctor who stared at the victim's nails while reflecting.
" So let's make a small point, our killer is probably a woman, because there's lipstick on the glass, his blood type is B negative and he or she may have black hair," says the lieutenant more for himself than for the doctor.
"Why do you say maybe black hair?" asked the intrigued doctor.
"Allow our suspects, there is a person who is a hairdresser so I think she could very well have sold or ordered a wig to anyone, so it will lead us on a wrong track" replied the lieutenant with a small smile, obviously proud of him, of his little analysis.
"I just noticed one thing," said the slightly disgruntled lieutenant, thinking he should have seen it sooner.
"Oh, yeah? And what is that?" Asked the doctor, putting down the scissors he was studying.
"The murderer must have been a friend or someone Automn knew because the door is not broken down," replied the lieutenant, who thought it was a small clue but it could be useful.
"I don't think we're gonna find anything more, what do you think? Asked the doctor who was getting bored.
"Yes, you're right, I think we've gone around, give me a minute to clear this up and already believe who the murderer is," he said confident.
"Go ahead after all, we still have a lot of time," replied the doctor for the formality, but he was eager to know the answer.
As the lieutenant delves into his thoughts, the doctor begins to tidy up their belongings.
So it can't be Mark, he thinks, he's right-handed and blond and if he was really in love with Automn, he wouldn't have killed him, it would rather be her husband the target but he wears lipstick. Tony, so there are lots of clues against him but it's not him because Automn is his wife and there would be no money or anything else, it would be very strange. He doesn't wear lipstick and he wasn't there at the time of the crime but the hair color matches, the blood type too and he's left-handed. The lieutenant thinks it could be Tony but he takes the trouble to compare the other suspects, he thinks not to go too fast in his judgment. Lana, it's not her because her blood type is A positive but the hair color matches and she's left-handed. Paula, it could be her, the lipstick matches the right arm in the priest which means she used her left hand, she's a hairdresser so she could very well have bought a black wig to create a false trail and the blood type matches which is B negative. All this matches and if we weren't careful, we would have blamed Automn's husband. It's a well-prepared murder, but if you take your time to think, you can solve anything. Satisfied, the lieutenant lifted his head with a smile and stared at the doctor. He shared his thoughts with her and then the doctor answered:
"One more solved investigation, let's go back to the police station and tell all this to the others," said the doctor as he left the room.
"Just before we leave, we're going to get some coffee!" shouted the lieutenant.
The two people left the apartment and returned to the police station. The murderer was arrested and it was Automn's sister, then all the other suspects were released.


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