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The Man Who Swapped Lives

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Divers / The Man Who Swapped Lives

The Man Who Swapped Lives

Rapports de Stage: The Man Who Swapped Lives

Rechercher de 35 000 Dissertation Gratuites

Soumis par: sun96 03 octobre 2012


Mots: 372 | Pages: 2

Vus: 494

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This document is an article taken from a newspaper “The News of the world”. It was written by Nathalie Clark. It is entitled “The man who swapped lives”. Joined the article, there is a photograph which shows a man with a women (maybe his wife) and a little girl. The captain (legend) of the photograph is “Alistair with his second wife”. The article deals with the story of Alistair Liddle, who left his former life to start a new one. This happened to him.

1) Alistair was a lawyer

He had his own firm

He had a good life: a big house, he played golf, he was healthy

He was married with a girl he had met when he was at school

He had a good reputation: he was a pillar of community

He seemed to have a perfect life

2) But in reality, he had problems: he didn’t love his wife anymore, and hated his mother-in-law

His firm was in debt, client weren’t paying on time. He started to eat too much and dirty too much

The police arrested him for drunken driving

He was so depressed that he was thinking of committing suicide

3) He ran away. He boarded a train to York, where he stayed in a hotel for a few days under a false name

He changed his appearance by cutting his hair and shaving off his moustache

He felt relieved and guilty because he couldn’t send to his windowed mother a card saying he was ok

His wife searched him with the police by popped up everywhere posters showing his face

Mean while, he lost a lot of weight while picking flowers for 50 pounds a day

4) He married again. He has a second wife. He met her in a nightclub. He decided to tell Paula the truth straight away and she forgave him. He lives with her and his child in a cottage in Penzance. He doesn’t miss anything about his old life

5) He was caught up when he was questioned by police on an entirely unrelated murder inquiry

He gave them a false, so when the police searched, the discovered his real identity.

He was charged with embezzlement and pleaded guilty to stealing 17.870 pounds. He served 6 month

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s behind bars. No one blamed his former wife, when she refused to visit him in his cell ...

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