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Task anglais LEA 1ère année

Cours : Task anglais LEA 1ère année. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Février 2018  •  Cours  •  1 096 Mots (5 Pages)  •  553 Vues

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Hello John, I heard some snippets during some conversations, can you explain them ? I don't get the sense of them.

1 « if he doesn't get his act together, he'll be forced to look for a new job »

-It means, if he is not determined anymore or if he don't take the good choice, he will be forced to look for a new job.

2 « my boss will hit the roof if those files are not found »

-It means that the boss will become angry if the files are not found.

3 « my boss made a song and dance about me not attending the meeting »

-It means that the boss wanted ear some good reasons to justify why he was not present during the meeting.

4 « this is his third offense, no wonder the police has thrown the book at him »

-It means that this is his third infraction, that's for why the police has discuted severely with him.

5 « before giving my presentation I had butterflies in my stomach »

-It means that before giving his presentation, he was stressed.

6 « have you noticed how, when the lunchroom is busy, the cafeteria workers run around like chickens with their heads cut off »

-It means that the employees of the cafeteria, when the lunchroom is busy, are panicked because there is a lot of work to do.

7 « although she boasts of her extensive knowledge of Asia, my colleague from export can run circles around her on the subject »

-It means that ever she boats of her extensive knowledge of Asia, his/her colleague from export can be better on the subject.

8 « after giving that crazy lecture that made no sense, we thought the marketing consultant was actually off his rocker »

-It means that after that lecture, the marketing consultant was crazy/looney.

9 « If he thinks that I am the one who mislaid your documents, he’s barking up the wrong tree »

-It means that if he is thinking that that's the one who mislaid his documents, he is on the wrong way, he is wrong.

10 « instead of burning the candle at both ends week after week, you need to cut back on some activities and commitments »

-It means that he is really really too busy, so he needs to stop some activities and commitments.

11 « using the stairs instead of the lift is a good way to blow off some steam »

-It means that using the stairs instead of the lift is a good way to relax, to release some pressure.

12 « during the final stage of a project, everyone in Design and Innovation will burn the midnight oil »

-It means that at the final stage of a project, people who worked on it will work very late into the night. Like when you had some exams.

13 « he is incredibly messy and finding the right document on his desk is like searching for a needle in a haystack »

-It means that like he is very messy, it's really hard to find the right document on his desk. Like find a little thing in a huge ocean.

14 « blaming her for always being late is like the pot calling the kettle black »

-It means that blaming her for always being late is kind funny because, him/her is often late too.

15 « how does she pay her bills when her business is always in the


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