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Résumé Du Film We Want Sex Equality (En Anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Résumé Du Film We Want Sex Equality (En Anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2014  •  414 Mots (2 Pages)  •  4 792 Vues

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We want sex equality

The story takes place in Dagenham, England in the late 60’s. A group of women are working in a ford’s factory. They realize that they are less paid than the men. So with their leader, Rita, the main character, they decide to stop working until they get the same salary as men and go on strike. It is a difficult fights for their rights because men are surprised and don’t support girls. But finally their husbands start to understand what women really want and decide to support them. At the end, they meet a minister who promises an increase of their salary and pass a law for equal pay between men and women.

This movie is composed of 3 themes:

- Women’s self-expression towards men

- Solidarity between women

- Men’s opinion about women

Women’s self expression towards men

This theme is represented by many scenes in the movie, including the first scene, the first meeting between Rita and ford’s manager. This scene is important because this is the first time that a woman (Rita) expresses herself. She doesn’t let the men stop her and she finishes her speech living the men astonished.

Solidarity between women

In the second themes the main scene is Sandra’s photo shoot. Ford’s manager offers Sandra (Employee of ford) to became a model in exchange for the break of the strike, but Rita convinces Sandra to stop the photo shoot and to continue the strike. Many men think that women are objects to be used, but women refuse to be used, they know better and they are solidarity.

Men’s opinion about women

The last theme is about men’s opinion about women. Men thinks that women are just objects to be used, and doesn’t listen her. Eddie the husband of Rita, says that he is a good husband because no drinking, no beating, no cheating, Rita replaces it is normal it is has it should be. Eddie realizes that Rita is right it is not about equal pay but mutual respect. Before the end of the movie Rita’s make a speech at a meeting, takes initiative and girls are not afraid to express themselves anymore. Then, men are interested of the women’s opinion.


I enjoyed this movie and the subject of the movie, because I will soon enter in the work’s world, and as a woman I feel concerned by inequalities between men and women.

Maybe this film can make men understand that the word of a woman is equal of a man’s word


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