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Rolls Royce Corporate Communication

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Par   •  19 Juin 2014  •  1 511 Mots (7 Pages)  •  967 Vues

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Table of contents

1) Background 3

2) Theory 5

3) Analysis 6

4) Conclusion 8

5) Appendix 9

6) Bibliography 9

Rolls Royce

For this case I will use the company Rolls Royce. Not the one which build cars but the historic one which create motors for aviation, marine or energetic solution.

First let’s have a background presentation of this company:

Rolls Royce was founded by two men in 1906 in England, Henry Royce and Charles Rolls. They were producing motors for planes. The important thing we have to know is their motors were used a lot during the two World War. For example during the first one, half of the allies planes were using Rolls Royce motor. During the second one, many of best planes of US and British army used Rolls Royce motors. They also built many motors for the marine army.

After the two World Wars they create a huge program on Aerospatiale. That’s during this time that they start to create cars, famous for their luxury, motors and size. We have to know that many people think Rolls Royce build only cars, because they don’t do many advertising on what they do, so people only see Rolls Royce cars on movies or on the street.

Rolls Royce became public in 1971 and was divided in two in 1973. A branch for cars, a branch for motors (marine and Aerospatiale). In 1987 Rolls Royce plc (marine and Aerospatiale motors) were privatized.

Rolls Royce Motors, the cars division is now own by BMW.

Nowadays, Rolls Royce Plc is the second biggest creator of motors just after General Electric Aircraft Engines. More than 38 000 people are working for this English company. Headquarter is in London and half of their employees are working in England.

Their turnover is around 9 Billion and half of their customers are now in Asia or in Middle East, they evaluate with the market. They tried to diversified their portfolio to win different other market.

To talk a little bit more about Rolls Royce financial analysis, we can take some informations from “Rolls Royce Annual Report”:

“Rolls-Royce revenue are increased £916 million from 2008 to 2009. The revenues are grown from three main market, including marine market increasing 17% arrived at £2589 million, defense aerospace add 19% arrived at £2010 million and the most raise at 36% in energy businesses had a strong performance in 2009, which from £755 million to £1028 million with revenues up by 36 per cent to over 1 billion. The revenue from civil aerospace business was decreased 21 million from 2008 to 2009. Because of the group maintains that a number of currency cash balances throughout of the whole year. The significant foreign exchange rates in 2009, and cash balances were reduced £141 million by retranslation at end of the year and hence total cash flow was dropped at £(183) million.”

About the competition on this industry, as I said on my other assignement (Management and Strategy). It exist many different producers for motors industry, but only three have significant market share:

- General Electric

- Rolls Royce

- Pratt and Whitney

They unfortunately are competitors, but for example General Electric did a partnership with Safran, the French company to create some motors for Airbus. Like that they increase they market share in Europe by work with a European company. European often like work with European industry. Safran was the best alliance they could find if they wanted take market share to Rolls Royce.

On the other side in 2011, Rolls Royce doesn’t want to work on old plane of Airbus, but they accept to do a partnership with one of their big competitor, Pratt&Whitney. They wanted push Airbus to create another Plane and not use an old with a new motor. That’s a kind of good strategy, like that they create their future customers.

All these competitors aren’t communicate a lot neither, it’s not an industry with lot of communication. But to stay on Rolls Royce Company study we can found some advertising, but it’s from long time ago:

Now I will present you the theory of which model I will use a SWOT analysis and the 9 questions about communication.

To describe the communication strategy of Rolls Royce, I will use a SWOT analysis, dedicate to their communication strategy.

A SWOT analysis is a strategic analysis tool. It combines the study of forces and weaknesses of an organization, territory, sector, etc.. with the opportunities and threats of its environment, to assist in defining a development strategy.

The purpose of the analysis is to take into account in the strategy, both internal and external factors, maximizing potential strengths and opportunities and minimizing impact of weaknesses and threats.

But I will also use a tools we didn’t saw on our course but I Used it to do some marketing research for a company. It’s 8 questions about the company communication.

The diagnosis is to collect and analyze internal and external information to make relevant decisions for the business, product or brand and help to achieve our communication goals. I’ll will try to respond to this question for Rolls Royce.

Swot Analysis (communication) for Rolls Royce plc Company


- Company is well known thanks to the car brand division

- They are the 2nd producer on the industry

- Their


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