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Right Before Our Eyes-On Tarhet-Anglais English 2e

Dissertations Gratuits : Right Before Our Eyes-On Tarhet-Anglais English 2e. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Mars 2015  •  261 Mots (2 Pages)  •  660 Vues

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Almost a third of the world's wildlife has been lost in the past 35 years, a report reveals. The number of animals per species fell an average 27 per cent between 1970 and 2005 - with land animals down 25 per cent, marine 28 per cent and freshwater 29 per cent. And one of the big reasons is the expansion of humankind - our population is up to 6.5 billion from 4 billion and we are using 25 per cent more resources than we replace. Jonathan Loh, author of the report, said the fall was "unprecedented in terms of human history", adding: "You would have to go back to the extinction of the dinosaurs to see a decline as rapid as this. "The main threats to species are pollution, habitat destruction, over-exploitation, invasive species and climate change. The Living Planet Index, produced by WWF, the London Zoological Society and the Global Footprint Network tracks 4,000 species including nearly 241 fish, 83 amphibian, 40 reptile, 811 bird and 302 mammal species. Marine species such as swordfish and hammerhead sharks fell 28 per cent. Marine birds suffered a fall of 30 per cent and tropical land-based species fell 46 per cent. The Yangtze River Dolphin may have been lost altogether. But there were glimmers of hope that such trends can be reversed. After campaigns since 1970, the population of Amur tigers now stands at 30, up from 10. And a sharp decline in whales has been turned into a gradual increase. Colin Butfield of WWF-UK said: "Biodiversity has an impact on us all."


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