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Préservation du bénévolat

Lettre type : Préservation du bénévolat. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Décembre 2013  •  Lettre type  •  345 Mots (2 Pages)  •  558 Vues

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Conservation volunteering

Volunteering on a conservation project on your gap year is a great way to contribute to the preservation and future well-being of local environments on a deep and meaningful level.

There are hundreds of opportunities for you to give something back to this amazing planet of ours, whether it’s working with endangered wildlife in South Africa, helping to control deforestation in the rainforests of South America, or working on marine conservation in the Galapagos Islands.

Conservation work can be an amazing experience, not only for you but for everyone and thing you work with. You’ll experience life as it’s lived by the locals and you’ll achieve great personal satisfaction knowing that you’ve made a real difference.

Volunteer on a Conservation Project

If you would like to volunteer on a conservation project the opportunities to do so are vast, and you could find yourself a little bewildered by the choice. The best way to approach it is to decide what you are most passionate about and work from there. Perhaps you are appalled at the plight of elephants being poached in Africa, or perhaps you’re gravely concerned about deforestation in the Amazon.

Whatever the issue is, there will be an opportunity for you to make a personal difference by volunteering on a relevant conservation project on your gap year.

Types of conservation

Marine conservation

There are many serious problems facing marine ecosystems around the world, including pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing. If you choose to volunteer on a marine conservation project on your gap year you’ll have the chance to give something back to the world’s oceans and the life that inhabits them. Furthermore, these projects are often based in areas of stunning natural beauty or which host enormous biodiversity, including the Galapagos Islands, Fiji, Mozambique, Borneo and Madagascar.

The types of marine conservation projects available are as rich and varied as the sea life you’ll be working with: you could help preserve the beautiful coral reefs of Thailand, raise awareness of the threats to whales and dolphins in Mauritius, or help prevent sea-turtle eggs being poached in Costa Rica. And so much more.


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