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Préparer Oral D'anglais

Commentaires Composés : Préparer Oral D'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mars 2013  •  357 Mots (2 Pages)  •  963 Vues

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1/ Defining the document :

This audio document/ video sequence is taken from + name of the magazine or the website…. and was published in + month + year.

Its title is + title… and from this title I understand that the topic is about + main topic.

2/ Giving your plan :

I'm going to develop my presentation into 2/3 parts : first I am going to explain why/ describe… and second I'm going to concentrate on/ speak about…third I'm going to finish off with + idea…

3/ Dealing with problems of understanding :

I'm not sure I've understood everything about this text but I can develop the following idea...

Even though I didn't understand all of it, I'd like to detail this aspect…

I'm not sure I got the main topic but the speaker speaks about + idea…

I'm afraid I didn't understood most of it…however I suggest speaking about a topic linked with the hotel/catering industry and which interests me a lot, I'm speaking about + topic…

4/ Starting your presentation :

So, to start, I'd like to speak about…

In the first part of the text, the speaker mentions/ says…

He/ she goes on by saying that…

He/ she also says…

5/ Proceeding with your presentation :

In the second part, I'll develop…

Next, I'd like to speak about…

6/ Giving your opinion :

I completely agree with the speaker on + topic

I quite agree with…/on…

I don't totally agree with…/on…

I'm sorry but I don't agree/ disagree with…/on… + Justification (say why you agree/disagree)

7/ Concluding :

To conclude, I must say that this topic really interests me + justification

Finally I'd like to say that this topic reminds me of + other topic linked with the main topic

To finish, I wish to say a few words on a topic which is directly linked with the man theme developed in this text

8/ Speaking about another related topic :

Moreover/ Besides, there is another topic which could be linked and which is + topic…

In addition, I could develop on something else…


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