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One Foot In Office

Mémoires Gratuits : One Foot In Office. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Août 2013  •  364 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 014 Vues

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1. Compréhension du texte :

One foot in the office

This article was published by The Times June 27, 2007. In England, many prefer to spend their retired last fall in the office, they don't want to leave their jobs, working at the age of retirement is possible by the Law on age discrimination which came into force last October.

Some English is not always vied with feeling useless once they reach retirement age with the (law on discrimination based on age), it is possible to continue working instead of taking retire.

This law allows people who can and want to work beyond the retirement age the opportunity to do so without discrimination.

This is the case of Charles Dickerson, an employee of 64 years beyond worked in scientific research and is not ready to quit his job because he used his environment of professional skills, the more part-time work, he gives leisure time and thus benefice additional sources of income.

Continue working after they reach retirement age allows employees to feel useful. they continue to receive income that allows them to live in better conditions. As the law is on their side,

more employers like to keep and recruit the most experienced and reliable staff.

This article shows that the elderly are certainly more motivated than some young people because they do not want to leave their job. But too many people at retirement age increases unemployment in the workplace. we must learn to give way to the other.

2.Traduction en français du deuxième paragraphe :

Les employés qui ressent de la même façon que Charles seront heureux d'apprendre que la Loi sur la discrimination par l'âge, qui est entré en vigueur Octobre dernier, traite directement avec les droits des salariés âgés à travailler après l'âge traditionnel de la retraite passé s'ils le souhaitent.

"Il énonce que les entreprises ne peuvent plus fixer un âge de la retraite artificielle», explique un porte-parole du ministère du Travail et des Pensions. «Il est conçu pour permettre à des gens qui peuvent et veulent travailler jusqu'à un âge avancé la possibilité de le faire sans discrimination. Ceux passé l'âge de 65 ans peut également continuer à percevoir leur pension d'État, même si elles travaillent à temps plein."


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