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Observation Essay

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Par   •  15 Janvier 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  930 Mots (4 Pages)  •  683 Vues

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Observation Essay.

It has been getting warmer lately in Fresno City, CA from the last few days of freezing weather, the cold nights, the frost on the grass and cars and the numbness at the uncovered parts of the body. This war, feeling at the face from the sun and the thought of taking off the jacket brings hope to people that winter is on its way to pass and spring is almost at the door.

Today is Martin Luther King’s holiday, the sky has almost cleared up and the sun showed up just for him. It seems like the world has taken a break from the hard working days, the bad weather, the bad news, the unlucky events and the stress. Even though it’s not an International holiday, the place, the smell and the sound seems almost at peace for once giving the people some time to relax and recharge their batteries.

Everything feels so quite qnd in peace but as soon as the railroad alarm goes off at the intersaction with Clinton Ave it becomes almost a reminder of the ghetto place we live in. The beaping sound and the long red and white bars come down upon the railroad to make sure that anyone doesn’t take a closer look at the enormous metal monster that is about to pass. Various kinds of cars line up from both sides purring their engines like cats. A dog in the back of a truck looks scared of the loud sound and is almost tempted to jump down and flee to safety.

In the meantime the train has gotten closer, and the sound louder and more annoying. The train cannot be seen until the last second for high bushes cover the side and everytime it scares people for the sudden loud noise and the fast appearence.

It’s an amtrack train, a short one and it just goes by with such a loud noise that it’s impossible to hear anything else.

It’s impressive also how tha bars come down and go back right up before and after the train passes giving an idea of little safety knowing that in the past many people have been killed trying to outrun the train with no luck.

Infact this has started a long time ago as Fresno Rampage Newspaper states on the 22nd of February 2001. In this Newspaper Anthony Witrado says «The railroad tracks runnig through Fresno City College have always been a concern of the school and the city, especially in the make of a recent injury and moving them has quickly become a priority » (Witrado 1). He continues with « attemps to move the tracks ave been going on since 1918 » (Witrado 1).

Although it would seem like they already had plans since 1918 to move the tracks, these tragedies keep on happening still today with Stephanie Stones statement « a train accident in Central Fresno left one person dea and another with serious injuries. » (Stone).

As the train goes by the sound decreases and fades away coming back to normality, managing to hear the mulitple noises of the world and of time passing by.

The rumbling motors of the cars seem almost pleasent to the ears after the train has passed.

This place seems like a torture place for the ears. The pleasent sound of silence is brief almost giving a false hope that is will stay that way. But cars, trucks, trains, bikes make a fool out of anybody who hopes that. For a couple of seconds silence prevailes but cars go by frequently and their heavy carcases make the railroad tremble making other annoying,


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