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Notion Anglais Idee De Progress

Mémoires Gratuits : Notion Anglais Idee De Progress. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Avril 2014  •  657 Mots (3 Pages)  •  3 266 Vues

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The progress it's the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life..... Progress is the action to go forward, to grow, to be better.

For a company or for humanity, progress is changing in the direction of improvement, its gradual transformation towards more knowledge and happiness.

Since humans are always evolving. Grace or because of it, the different societies are evolving, changing our lives and values.

What effect does this progress have on our culture, on our society? Firstly we will study scientific progress then we will study the technological progress and social progress.

There is a century, no one would dare to think that cloning is possible. That there would much remedy to cure deadly diseases. That could have plastic organs, IVF … Past ten years, it is possible. In class, we studied several examples, including "building a perfect baby" this document explains that today you can almost choose how will our baby, his eyes, his sexe, his hair …

This document reflects the image of our society. Before, no matter the appearance of our baby, now it must be the best possible, even if it means it is changed.

Because of the consumption society, we feel needs to be all the same, as discussed in the current images where we could see in a factory, a row of clones near a large trash which is filled of guys that aren't uniformes to look like the rest. The effect of the clones would cause everyone to be alike and if you're different, you will rejected.

2) Technological progress has a big impact on human,We know that our lives are much more comfortable and simple, you can go where you want when you want, talk with anyone anywhere. But technology makes us quickly addict. We could not have a day without phone or internet. A new gadget fashion, everyone must have.

The technology is good and bad both for us. For example, robots are everywhere, many jobs disappear as the cashiers, so it causes unemployment. With unemployment people can not consume. But Technologies can be more environmentally, like hybrid cars, solar paners even if it takes some time to make it profitable.

When there will be no enough food to feed everyone, the technology will enable us to feed ourselves. We studied the "food of the future" and the text studied showed us that in some places, the eating of insects was accepted but sometimes it was impossible because of the mentality .. With technology, we can create food molecular, modified, meat from cells, organic food vegetables ..

3) The social progress changes in the quality of life. The last century was probably the one who is most to change attitudes.

Women have almost as much right as men (voting) and black men are now regarded as men and not slaves. It took a long time to change people's mentality. The idea of ​​freedom is more concrete with democracy.

The education changes also, now, in developped countries, all childrens go to school, before, at the age of 8 years, children worked with their parents in the fields and girls learned to do household chores. Scholarships did not exist before, and someone with low income could not put these children in graduate schools.The progress


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