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Noise pollution

Cours : Noise pollution. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Février 2019  •  Cours  •  965 Mots (4 Pages)  •  349 Vues

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  1. Introduction :

You have an invisible enemy, you don’t see it, but it’s all around you. It hurts your health, slowly but surely, day after day. And it makes no distinction of age or gender. This enemy is noise pollution… Air pollution can have a devastating effect on our health, and although you may not realize it, noise pollution can too. This notion is defined as “the environmental disturbance caused by noise, or noise resulting in feeling unrested for living in the vicinity.”

For many of us, the concept of pollution is limited to nature and resources, and noise pollution has often been neglected by everyone, yet it is seen as the form of pollution that can be as harmful to our environment as other types of pollution. We’re all used to the sounds of everyday life. People talking on their phones, the traffic, loud music and even pets barking in the middle of the night are all part of that. But when those sounds stop you from sleeping or give you a headache it stops becoming just noise and start turning into noise pollution.

For this reason, during our presentation we will present to you the causes and effects of this type of pollution.

  1. Causes :

  1. Social event

Sound pollution has become a reality that we have to deal with. But there are more difficult times than others. During the summer, there is more and more noise with festivals and other musical events. When there’s an event, most people don’t really consider their environment. There’s lots of chatting, laughter and maybe even signing. That’s all great fun – except when you’re not part of the fun.

  1. Transportation

Buses, trucks, airplanes flying over and underground trains all produce intense noise in urban settings. The high noise leads to a situation where a normal person loses the ability to hear properly.

  1. Industrialization

Most of the industries use big machines which are capable of producing large amount of noise. There’s a reason why workers in factories and industry wear earplugs. Apart from that, various equipments like compressors, generators, also participate in producing big noise.

  1. Poor urban planning

When you live in a poorly isolated house you know exactly how frustrating living with neighbors can be. Crying babies, couples fighting, dogs barking… it’s as if nothing goes unheard and it can seriously take its toll on your wellbeing (avoir un impact sur votre bien-être).

  1. Effects :

  1. Effects on health

No individual reacts in the same way to the same sound. The notion of noise pollution is very subjective, for example if your neighbor listens to his favorite music with a high volume, it may be a pleasure for him but an embarrassment for you.

Whether caused by road, (rail) and air traffic, noise pollution causes stress and fatigue… It affects your learning skills and memory… disrupts your sleep, causes health problems, heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.

Physical and psychological behaviors are negatively impacted by noise in several ways. Noise is linked to:


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