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Meeting of two scientists

Discours : Meeting of two scientists. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2019  •  Discours  •  276 Mots (2 Pages)  •  513 Vues

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B- Hello Ernest, how are you today ?

R- Hi, fine, and you ?

B- It can't be better my friend !

R- Someone tell me that you wanted to see me quickly so what is the problem ?

B- There is no problem ! I just made a great discovery !

R- Oh a new cooking repice ?

B- It's not a joke, it can be one of the most important physics breakthrought !

R- So, tell me what you think...

B- I have changed your atom model, my friend.

R- Certainly but you know that... Well, it's impossible.

B- I did what you did with our friend, Thomson, with his « Plum Pudding » model...

R- Yes but you uderstand that I can't believe that an atom is a simple soup filled with electrons.

B- Of course, but your hypothesis is not completely true too...

R- So explain me, please.

B- You know that I work day and night to resolve some problems on your heliocentric model with a little nucleus in the center?

R- Yes, it works like our solar system, the electrons turn around the nucleus which is positively charged.

B- It's not totally wrong, but as the electrons are electrically charged too, their path should attract them directly in the nucleus, in a nanosecond...

R- I know but I can't resolve it, it's too hard, we can't predict their true path, it's alternative...

B- But I did it. In reality, there are three stable orbits on which are distribued the electrons.

R- So they don't radiate energy and can't be attract on the nucleus, of course, why did I not think about it before ?

B- Yes and an electron can change of oribit if it absorbs or emits a photon, which is a surplus of energy.

R- You are a genius !


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