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Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais)

Dissertation : Les Facteurs Clés De Succès De Nutella (anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Septembre 2013  •  712 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 406 Vues

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Critical Success Factors

Nutella has four main critical success factors:

 Establishing more brand awareness in the US with Nutella bars and Nutella and peanutbutter swirls

 Providing a high-quality product through its taste, and natural and nutritious ingredients

 Providing a product that is unique

 Proving a product that on versatile

The combination of these three success factors will give Nutella a competitive advantage in the peanut butter and chocolate spread markets. Nutella must be positioned as it is- a highquality tasting and nutritious, unique product. Americans must be aware of Nutella and know that it is a special product that is worth paying a few extra dollars for.

We want to emphasize Nutella as a product that is very unique with a taste unlike any other spread brands. Besides, many imitation brands do not even come close to the great blend of taste created by Nutella’s ingredients. Nutella is a unique product that has been around for many the early 1900’s. Thus, Nutella’s attributes will most likely increase sales and market share. Furthermore, Nutella can increase brand awareness in the U.S. with advertisements, and line and brand extensions.

3.2 Alternatives

To make its business even more successful, Nutella can choose from several strategies to implement. These include the following:

 Market Development : Nutella must develop its American market. Although it has gained great popularity in Europe, many Americans still are not even aware of this product. A concentrated strategy can be used here to segment the American market into a few sub-segments that can be targeted individually. Different advertising themes can be used to appeal to different segments.

 Market Penetration: expand market share in current U.S. chocolate and peanut butter

spread markets with radio and television ads, using Nutella promotions linked with other Ferrero brands, and gaining better shelf locations.

 Product Development: create two other types of Nutella line extensions:

 Nutella bars- for those with a busy lifestyle and who do not have much time to prepare meals

 Peanut butter-Nutella swirls and Nutella-peanut butter swirls- used as a transition product to gradually bring peanut butter users to try Nutella.

 First, Peanut butter-Nutella swirls (more peanut butter, less Nutella) will be marketed; then, Nutella-Peanut butter swirls.

3.3 Evaluation of the Alternatives

 Concentrated market development: Segmenting the various groups of the American market with help Nutella focus its advertising on specific segments. This will have a more lasting impact and affect because the ads will relate more to the target groups. However, this will be more costly than mass marketing because it requires more time, research, and advertising money. Yet it may be


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